
Frank & Gray adds zen to Upper King

Lake Street Dive exploded into the public eye in 2012 with a cover of Michael Jackson’s “I Want You Back.” The YouTube video shows off lead singer Rachel Price’s powerhouse vocals and put the band’s fun-loving vibe on full display; it went viral immediately and now boasts over three million views. Since then, they’ve released two full length albums—Bad Self Portraits and this year’s Side Pony—and they have established themselves as a perennial force in the music world. Recently Charleston Grit had the pleasure of chatting with Lake Street Dive guitarist Mike “McDuck” Olson about their latest album, their upcoming show at the Music Farm June 8th, and Hometeam BBQ—naturally.

If this is any indication of Joyner’s future direction, then Charleston music fans will be fortunate onlookers.

Music and fashion go hand in hand. From Elvis and the Rat Pack to Madonna and Gaga music is chockfull of artists doing their best to define trends and make their own signature fashions. Here are five of music’s most legendary fashion statements.

It's time for the latest installment in Charleston's best drama.

Slow Runner Brings New Monsters Out To Play Today An Interview with Michael Flynn

The Savannah Stopover festival, a three-day music fest held over multiple venues in historic downtown Savannah, was a blast—and not only because of that infamous open-container law.

No Ace of Base’s or Nirvana’s here, but rather a select tandem of artists you may not have heard in the wake of the musical bounty that was the 1990’s.

Susto brings its tour with the Heartless Bastards home to Charleston Tuesday 2/23 at the Music Farm. Don't miss an incredible show.

Your go-to guide for all things Charleston this weekend, December 4-6

For its third anniversary, The Alley did what it does best: invite the town out to a big, sexy party dressed out in the finest fashions history and budgets could afford. All we had to do in return was allow a portion of our ticket to be donated to the Be a Mentor Program, and enjoy the show.

Five Five Studio is built on the traditional practices of weaving and quilting curated with her modern eye.

I've already said I'm a fan of this band. Fine, I'm biased. Just give this CD a listen. If you hate it, tell me why. If you like it, throw the guys some cash and pay for the actual CD.

I’m working on debunking myths that circulate around dance. I’ve already tackled dance/sex (“No We Are Not Dating”), my lack of owning a dance studio (“No I Don’t Have a Dance Studio”), and today I want to talk about rhythm, coordination, and “Oh, I can’t dance.”

In the fourth issue of "Meta Mag," local artists and poets explore the theme of money.

Teenie, tiny, not so tiny, just right.

A local artist and businessman making a big movement in the local Charleston community with his "There's No Place Like Charleston" T-shirts.

And I don’t really want one either

You could call her an artist, taxidermist, metalsmith, illustrator, sculptor, teacher, photographer, or businesswoman, and each time you would be right. You would think someone with such a breadth of experience wouldn’t be so fantastic in each discipline, but she is.