What's the difference between a blush and a bronzer brush? How about the eyeliner, eyeshadow, and brow varieties? Last time we talked about why they're all important—now let's decode that brush kit
Ladies, does your makeup bag include brushes? If not, it’s high time you get some. In this 3-part series, I’ll tell you how to best use and store them, but first: here’s why they’re a must-have
Post-grad success: A resume ripe with internships? An impressive corporate position? Or maybe it's being genuinely happy with a not-so-perfect plan. A recent article in "The Week" has me wondering...
Some people go wild over baseball's season opener—others for warm weather and the start of long days in the sun. Me? I go crazy for the return of farmers markets. Here's why (recipes included!)
Heard of Pink Dot Beauty Bar? Better question: Heard of a beauty bar that stashes Budweiser for the gents as their gals sharpen their image? I've got a Q&A with its owner to fill you in...
This one was unanimous... give Grit editors a hot topic and a well-communicated opinion on it, and we're in. Read on to hear more opinions and weigh in with what you think of this new release
Brad Paisley's new song, "Accidental Racist," has a lot of people talking. Is all the hype warranted? Is it even good music? Here's my take (and a peek at the lyrics)
Louisville is the favorite child of Mother March; but a hardheaded Wichita St., a momentarily marvelous Michigan, and an ostentatious Orange are out to give the Cardinals everything they can handle.
What foods will get your skin glowing within weeks? What part of your diet should you kick to the curb? Here are 3 ways to fix flaky skin without spending a dime in the drugstore aisle
"Mommy Wars," "Having it All," the trendy new definition of a "Real" Woman... Here's a list of ridiculous things about parenting and well, LIVING, that ought to be chucked from everyday discourse
To get you ready for spring (and CFW!), I spoke with global makeup artist Juan Carlos Belmonte to learn the beauty looks on trend now. Spoiler: defined lips and eyes, and beautiful skin—SANS makeup
Blogger E. Louise asks: Are you confident enough to cover up, to know your aesthetic strengths and play to those? Or do we need to keep letting it all hang out, like a bouncing, bodacious buffet?
Looking to save face? Aging happens to the best of us, but here are some tricks for plumping, enlivening, youth-i-fying your pretty mug (including the very best and worst things you can do to it)
This elegant remake of the good ol' American BLT will have you thinking again. Filled with avocado mousse, salty bacon, and tomatoes, you'll want to cook this savory eclair ASAP (the recipe's here!)
Just as you shouldn't be wearing a miniskirt sans tights this season, you shouldn't be sporting the same foundation you wore in July. Here's what to look for in a foundation that's right for right NOW
If your New Year's resolution includes a fresher, brighter, more beautiful you—why not start with square one? (Your skin.) Here are three mind, body, spirit tips to shine in 2013
It's the eve of the day I start writing my next cookbook. Apparently for me, this major transition calls for a pair of bright red Danskos and some delicious roasted chicken (read on for the recipe!)
Did you know that too many carbs can literally sugar-coat the skin (and not in a good way...)? And what happens when you skimp on sleep? Here are my quick fixes...