AAA batteries in a meringue pie. Sweet Junior finding a wife with whom to share the holidays. The image of a “rotund little shorty” chomping on a turkey leg. What about Renae’s post DIDN'T we love?
Shotgun blast explosions in the kitchen, pies with a side of triple-A batteries, portly stepmothers who take to the turkey leg Flinstone-style—these holiday blunders bring out the best in us...
So many women have come into my practice lately sounding the alarm. But hair loss isn't a life sentence—remember my hormones/sleep/nutrition approach? Here's how it works for this too...
Red. Bright, bold, check-me-out red. Here are need-to-know steps to achieving the timeless, alluring look, so that you can wear the color without the color wearing you
So many of us are afraid of aging, but guess what? It's going to happen. No need to fret about those candles on your cake—here are my tips and top product picks for making your youthful look last
What's the new game of medicine? What the hell is epigenetics? What's this talk of sex stars? These questions answered, plus more on the benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy, here
This was a plum blog for so many reasons (i.e. oh, how we love good anecdotal hilarity at Grit) but the one thing that hooked us? We'll tell you here...
Summer's almost over, meaning tomato season is, too. Save a fresh taste of the seasonal star by stirring up this marinara sauce (you'll thank yourself come December)
Let's be honest, sometimes you just want to crash. No so fast—here's why you should stay up a few extra minutes to wash your face (plus tips to help you do so perfectly)
Since my last blog, I've gotten some good questions about growing this gem. So here are some cool photos, a little history, and a quick list of tips for growing your own
Is the truth as elusive as Sasquatch or as original as a fingerprint? From the looks of some Facebook posts leading up to November, truth and opinion seem to have cloned one another
Increase your libido, renew your energy, sleep better—the big lesson I learned in my mid 30s that helped bring my feel-good factor back (this is Blog 1 in a series on this topic)
Songbird Emily Hearn's wispy sense of boho-chic style has always impressed. I chatted with the past CFW performer (and former Charleston resident) to get the lowdown on what's inside her makeup bag
Coco Chanel, Marilyn, Dior—they've all weighed in on the power of perfume. Here are a few choice quotes, plus why, how, and where you should be wearing it
On a recent trip to San Francisco, I went into a flotation tank, said to be beneficial for creativity, problem solving, and super learning. It was insightful, restful, even a little trippy!
Not every task needs hiring out... Shining my shoes is one job that feels right to just sit and do myself. I'll tell you why your shoes need it and show you how
The summer's sudden upheaval of hair (the crazy, humidity-ridden kind) has me hunting down THE product to stop the madness. I've found it, so all my frizzy ladies, pay attention...
If you don't have Zucchetta Tromboncino in your garden yet, you should. Zucchetta Trombo-huh? A yummy summer squash you can enjoy year-round, see why you should plant this speedy grower soon