
Andrew C. Peterson's Q&A brings us inside the mind of fashion pro Julie Wheat of Cavortress, and her take on makeup, clothing and accessories on and off the runway.

Fashion Week is HERE and if you're wondering if there are any do's and don'ts, let blogger Andrew C. Peterson tell you how to behave at the tents from his years of experience.

This week's Blog of the Week investigates women's powdery armor against the world; makeup. Some women don't need it, all women use it, but when can you allow your man to see you without it?

In the crazy dating game today, women ponder a million things, one of which being when they're allowed to show their significant other their face without any makeup. Well? When IS the right time?

In my interview with Venita Aspen, we cover everything from her fool­proof strategy to avoid wardrobe malfunctions, why "Coraline" is the most stylish movie ever, and 100 ways to make a sandwich.

If revoltingly uncharming playboys and girls in T-Rav's circle have all that disposable cash fueling their shenanigans, how can the Lowcountry's good guys/gals get some? SCANPO is about to tell us….

Hate New Year's resolutions? Here are some goals set by none other than beauty expert Andrew C. Petersen that will make sure your 2014 is better, brighter and absolutely beautiful.

Earlier this week you got splurge-worthy inspiration for men. Well, now it's the ladies' turn. Take a browse through this collection of top 10 desirables (LBDs, shoes, and home goods included)...

Seriously, though: just because it's (kind of) getting cooler, you don't have to accept the onset of pasty skin season. Here are three quick tips for keeping a healthy, sexy, seasonal glow

Charleston Fashion Week model coordinator Joe Quinn hits the NYFW scene and gives up the goods—Lady Gaga, Courtney Love, a private viewing at the Tibi studio, run-ins with CFW alum... it's all here

So you use brushes to get a perfect makeup application, right? Well when's the last time you've washed them? Here are the how-tos for doing just that (letting you get the most out of your investment)

How one stroll down our most fashion forward strip left me thinking that my give-a-damn is busted when it comes to my everyday appearance. Any other moms feel the same?

I'm a major people watcher—and there was some serious watching to be done last night

What's the difference between a blush and a bronzer brush? How about the eyeliner, eyeshadow, and brow varieties? Last time we talked about why they're all important—now let's decode that brush kit

Ladies, does your makeup bag include brushes? If not, it’s high time you get some. In this 3-part series, I’ll tell you how to best use and store them, but first: here’s why they’re a must-have

Serial shoppers, listen up! As blogger Amanda Gilbert winds up her "No New Clothes for One Year" series, she's got boat loads of sage advice on curbing habits, freshening a look, and getting creative

Heard of Pink Dot Beauty Bar? Better question: Heard of a beauty bar that stashes Budweiser for the gents as their gals sharpen their image? I've got a Q&A with its owner to fill you in...

Have you ever thought about these mysterious entertainers? You can sometimes find one on King Street, between Calhoun and Market, but is it a true art form or sidewalk game of pretend? I asked one...

Now that Fashion Week's behind us, it's time to call attention to the catwalkers who made the show. From the standout youngsters to the most dedicated, here they are: The CFW Model Superlatives

The fashion-filled bootcamp continues! Here's the behind-the-scenes breakdown from yesterday—from custom fit duds from Mychael Knight to tales of the over-served at the Rarebit after party