
Charlestonian Kelly Flourney has co-created "Zendock," a killer docking solution for the Macbook Air, Pro and Retina laptops. Here's "before" and "afters" of your desk, plus a video for how it works

How do Hoda and KLG booze it up at 10 a.m. and still function the rest of the day? What one word did Hoda use to describe Chas? We've got the scoop (including the best sign from today's crowd) here!

Featured as one of Dockers' "Men of Style," the Social Primer style pro offers his version of Charleston men's go-to look in a new video. Grit agrees... and doesn't. What do you think?

The Royal Tinfoil gets weird in the recording studio in West Ashley as the band members work on their new album. Hint: having a liquor store next door is a PLUS....

Now that Fashion Week's behind us, it's time to call attention to the catwalkers who made the show. From the standout youngsters to the most dedicated, here they are: The CFW Model Superlatives

Which local band has the best video of 2013? You help decide—the winner gets $250 bucks. Check out the first entry and give it a thumbs up or down...

Sleep is becoming more elusive by the day... A Cynthia Rowley soiree with Fern Mallis, modeling scouts, and loving Afriyie Poku's standing O. Plus Loren's Macintosh/Cocktail Club after-party wrap-up

The fashion-filled bootcamp continues! Here's the behind-the-scenes breakdown from yesterday—from custom fit duds from Mychael Knight to tales of the over-served at the Rarebit after party

Style tips for aspiring musicians (from a guy with zero fashion sense): Don't go onstage looking like a roadie, what I think about bands in costume, is Charleston's "praire rock" look done? And more

Though you sure can't learn the definition of ironic from Alanis Morissette, I discovered Saturday night that if you listen closely, the Charleston duo Shovels & Rope can teach you a thing or two...

Okay, we don't know if it's uncut, exactly, or even what that means, but it usually implies what you're about to see is mildly offensive—here’s the hilarious Grit blogger at Pecha Kucha 17

Aah, YouTube. Home to millions of clips showcasing mankind at our finest. Here, "Krispy Kreme - The Baddest" dukes it out with 2008 classic "David After Dentist" for the title of Most Hilarious

Our part of the world offers a killer backdrop, and plenty of filmmaking talent. But now that South Carolina has lost its competitive film incentives, we're losing location opps right and left

The guy who clicks LIKE when your husband leaves you, the unabashed narcissists, the Toddlers & Tiaras parents... Here it is, the TOP 5 things nobody wants to see on Facebook, but already has...

The musician from Fowler's Mustache who nearly lost his life last summer quietly took to the stage last night, covering Bob Dylan's "I Shall Be Released" and reminding us to embrace the little things

Charleston’s own Cary Ann Hearst and Michael Trent—aka Shovels & Rope—rocked the stage last night on CBS's Late Show with David Letterman, performing their single “Birmingham.” Watch it here

Fellow parents, think this couldn't happen to your kids? Think again. Here's the frightening lesson we learned right at our local library

I took my six-year-old to Blue Man Group on Friday at the PAC, which blew his mind with Twinkie tricks, jigsaw bits, and all-out hilarity. In the end? Oh, that six-year old got down with his bad self

This one speaks for itself today—the one-week anniversary of the Newtown tragedy. We're grieving and mourning those children lost, yet still celebrating this season and the story of The Child

Hall & Oates proved it's still a solid entertainment duo decades after "Maneater," and outlaw country artist Eric Church rocked the Coliseum (amidst fans who couldn't quite hold their liquor...)