Every March, Charleston Fashion Week creeps up on me. It is, by far, the busiest work week of the year for me and in the past, I forget to eat, never get enough sleep and often wake up with a hangover. I decided that after six years of working the event, I would change all of that and approach this week differently. This year, I ate like Top Chef judge, got eight hours of sleep every night, and traded out my champagne for coffee. The result... My best year yet!
![](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-egfLKKLNsCU/VRBgTwchGxI/AAAAAAAACds/uiiFWJyNikc/s1600/IMG_6661.JPG) |
When you find a good stylist, you keep her... Almost a decade of great hair with Alicia at Swish. |
![](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-awFcYTDesi4/VRA8jJFrZhI/AAAAAAAACXE/SWtJj__N-D4/s1600/IMG_6438_2.jpg) |
Tuesday night front row with my intern, Lindsay DeTroia. |
![](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kUiJcK1A8b4/VRBgT8cbGvI/AAAAAAAACdo/K5_fAw5eOcE/s1600/IMG_6660.JPG) |
Look who I ran into walking down King street? |
![](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-tJyyk687sfY/VRA8k5vXprI/AAAAAAAACXk/hzctAtJKyx0/s1600/IMG_6458_2.JPG) |
Thursday lunch with my work sister Misty Lister at Leons. |
![](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-QV-ZxrJnK1Q/VRBgR8D1aNI/AAAAAAAACc0/d_hONsYB3Qg/s1600/IMG_6655.JPG) |
Wednesday and Thursday are my busiest days and require me to be in front of my computer, so I couldn't go to the tents. Instead, I worked from my sister's house with my nephew Henry. |
![](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Tkx21E9r5cI/VRBgSIBjvxI/AAAAAAAACc8/pdHHQr4d8-w/s1600/IMG_6656.JPG) |
Henry took this photo. |
![](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pUi15siT2zM/VRA8mk6fi_I/AAAAAAAACX8/QXd4L-N8llE/s1600/IMG_6467_2.jpg) |
Good thing I wasn't at the tents on Thursday... I was sad to miss Trina Turk's show, but I got to witness Henry's first steps. HE WALKED!!! |
![](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-PPx53uboOJ0/VRA8mzWuEQI/AAAAAAAACYA/-INS-QlFcfw/s1600/IMG_6469.jpg) |
"You're Fired!" |
![](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-vXBuHhnOF2g/VRBgSq0teAI/AAAAAAAACdQ/JOFhEvrNm6Q/s1600/IMG_6657.JPG) |
Thursday night I was able to wear on of Anna's garments that walked the runway on Tuesday. |
![](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-HaSkj69KfPI/VRA8nnWQBqI/AAAAAAAACYM/O_fsIz0awNE/s1600/IMG_6491_2.jpg) |
Front row with Jessie. |
![](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_0_gqKlGBBU/VRA8r34LD_I/AAAAAAAACZI/XBCxEsYwToM/s1600/IMG_6563_2.jpg) |
This is what happens when you ask Seth to take a photo. First he takes a ridiculous photo of himself... |
![](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/--z-otoL7Kv4/VRA8s1Mnv4I/AAAAAAAACZU/3Na1TvCQXGE/s1600/IMG_6573_2.jpg) |
Then Seth takes a ridiculous photo of you... |
![](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lqoqXB4XGd8/VRBgR57D2uI/AAAAAAAACdI/N6L22ujI6bA/s1600/IMG_6649.JPG) |
The husband made is Charleston Fashion Week appearance. |
![](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-gD1bOGlvIw8/VRA83-RuC_I/AAAAAAAACbM/gvMzuIkcpds/s1600/jballiet-9225.jpg) |
Jessie and I hit the runway. Photo by Jballiet |
![](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-AWQOEJl6F-w/VRBgPCOacyI/AAAAAAAACcI/KqqCsit05TI/s1600/IMG_6643.JPG) |
Hanging out in the Gwynn's VIP tent with Julie Wheat of Cavortress. I am wearing one of her vintage treasures... a 1960s Lord & Taylor jumpsuit. |
![](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-scEF64wqtVk/VRA8vkgFfCI/AAAAAAAACZ0/IfWOm6Bl7qk/s1600/IMG_6598_2.jpg) |
Watching the finale with my friend and coworker, Rachel Cope. |
![](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ffK0-4Hvp_Q/VRA8w1lNiKI/AAAAAAAACaE/t4YsRTrTbus/s1600/IMG_6601_2.JPG) |
THAT'S A WRAP! Hitting the red carpet with Lindsay and Rachel. |
![](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GEWEtT-kdTg/VRBgPat3TuI/AAAAAAAACcs/gW3Jnbfx6og/s1600/IMG_6644.JPG) |
Sunday morning Brunch. I just had to eat at The Park Cafe... again! |
![](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-2EKoyd5z-Wg/VRA8zRctvQI/AAAAAAAACag/KeqSpVH6LVA/s1600/IMG_6634_2.JPG) |
Home sweet home... |