
Amidst the driving rain, this one got right to the heart of our creative spirits. Add in the brilliant poem by local 8th grader Nina Howard, and receiving this post was simply an honor...

I long for school to be more hurricane-like, for the atmospheric conditions of public education to be ripe for downpours of creativity (like this swirling poem from an 8th grader at Moultrie Middle)

Don't bet on football, frat tats are sad, seniors are older not wiser, the world doesn't care if you fail out—here's my (free!) advice for incoming CofC and Citadel students this week

Nora Zelevansky dispells myths about writing, publishing, and first-timer's luck. Come meet the charming author of Semi-Charmed Life... TONIGHT!

Brand new Gritter Tim Brennan started off with a bang with his entertaining—and thought-provoking—observations on our local music scene. Charleston, where IS the weird?

What I'm looking for in live music is a bit of insanity, some weird, some risk, some show... Here's my take on what's lacking in our own local music scene

Move over Michael Phelps... our favorite Olympian is Charleston sports writer Gary Smith. He sat down with "Word on the Street" to talk memorable moments, good stories, and a little table tennis

So says my good friend and music promoter Joel Frank. That debate aside, come out to Home Team BBQ (W.A.) this Sunday for his venture's kick-off bash, with a ton of local (non-boy band) music

Coco Chanel, Marilyn, Dior—they've all weighed in on the power of perfume. Here are a few choice quotes, plus why, how, and where you should be wearing it

Haley's veto was stomped. Guess we showed her....or will we? Let’s not let our local arts community die by our neglect

Sometimes all you need to feel better is some favorite-restaurant TLC. Yesterday, I ran through my round-up of sure-things (including Monza, Rue, and Glass Onion) to find just what the doctor ordered

With help from a well-worth-a-second-read quote from the late Nora Ephron, Stephanie's "Read On" post reminds us to unplug every now and then—to swap out our computer screens for nature or a nice book

Steep, curvy roads. Cool mountain rivers. The bliss of books. Mulling on vacation, with thanks to the late Nora Ephron

Cross it off the post-grad bucket list. Last Thursday, I took a day trip to New York to try out to be a U.S. Open ball boy.. correction: ball girl

Let's be real: few things are grittier than a breakup via text. In our Blog of the Week, Andrew recounts just this, then gives us some solid product tips and wise-worded advice

... Put it on your face and clear your pores! Here's to not letting minor mishaps (like a breakup via text) take a toll on your physical or emotional mojo

With the carefree spirit of the season in mind, let your skin breathe! Here's how to pull off "less is more" in summer beauty

Craving stillness and focus in the artsy chaos of Spoleto? Take cover under this inspired artist's tent

Sure, in today's world we can find good-quality "stocks in a box" and gourmet quality demi-glace, but nothing replaces the slow, steady, fragrant simmer of a homemade stock

It's National Bike to Work Day....but hey, so is everyday when you're a bike writer....