
Heard of it? It's a mash-up of yoga, tribal dance, hip-hop, and real-deal cardio—and I dig it. Classes have made their way east from L.A., and now it's blowin' the doors off a studio in West Ashley...

Get ready to switch your clocks. Me, I'll comply with DST change-ups if I must, but mostly I file the rigidity of the calendar seasons in the BS pile. I have my own guide to the seasons...

Plus! With the shutdown behind us, we've got a delightfully endless supply of jokes about it for your Friday, courtesy of the late-night comics. Trust us—you need to read these today...

And neither can we. How can a country get to the point where the spirit of our parties blinds us, and common sense is no longer a go-to for moving forward? It's not as intentional as you might think

The perfect complement to kale? Crispy garbanzo beans, apparently. Here's the recipe for this super simple, super healthy salad that's off-the-charts amazing

Cool weather + wind gusts + another chance of showers = time for some soup. Here's a fantastic Thai spiced pumpkin variety, PLUS a recipe for parsnip fries (cause who doesn't like fries?!)

...There's only one place you need to be this Saturday. We'll tell you all about the 4th annual Mac Off, which restaurants are competing, and, wait—did somebody say "zip line?" (Yes.)

So summer's over—time to pack up the swimsuit and stay inside? Heck no. Early fall's the perfect time to hit the water and try your hand at my newest obsession: SUP yoga. Here's why...

At around 82 degrees, it's been downright chilly this week. Why you should hit the beach this weekend anyway... you know, like all of THESE people did

What I learned at Folly this past weekend, thanks to a family of bona fide beach newbies (tube socks and wardrobe malfunctions included)

An article out today claims Hollywood execs may be full up on Southern-based reality shows—a look at why they may not hold their viewers, plus the 5 that put the "red" in redneck reality

So you use brushes to get a perfect makeup application, right? Well when's the last time you've washed them? Here are the how-tos for doing just that (letting you get the most out of your investment)

No one wants to work hard on Labor Day, so whip up this low-cal, super easy Sparkling Canteloupe Soup with Prosciutto and Basil. It's full of summer flavor (and champagne...)

Answer: A man-made fiasco... Why none of us should be shocked that poop has started raining down in sheets (and tweets, and twerks...)

Perhaps you read my post last week crowing about my upcoming visit to the Asheville Wine + Food Festival. Don’t worry. I got mine. A rundown of the trip, the food, the drinks... and the tow trucks

You've seen this sudden deluge of back-to-school ads, the "Oh, did you not hear the news? It's Fall, suckers." Ummm, no. RELAX. Here are 5 things you can do to prove it's still f*&^ing summer

This is one blog I am very glad to be writing this in past tense... Trust me, I can't make this she/it up

I'll show you how to "condition" cut flowers so they live longer. Also, the bouquet I made right from the flowers in my garden—try it!

Let freedom ring? The venomous chants and social media slamming don't represent the clear tone of the bell I would imagine freedom sounds like... Why silence isn't necessarily weakness

What's a friendly family road trip without a little vomit? Or a fishing trip without getting a fish snared on your shoe? Not one of mine, thank you.... Anyone else live this way? Anyone?