
Gullah chef talks race in Holy City

The American-Cuban relationship is beginning to heat up for the first time in half a century, as a result everyone is abuzz with the prospect of Cuban cigars and rum soaked Cuban vacations. But – you may have to put those Cuban dreams on hold – if you read the fine print, it could take years until full trade is established between the estranged nations and you still need special permits for travel. There is good news though, the fine folks over at The Victor Social Club have the scratch for your Cuban itch.

The New Business Card Fits On Your Smart Phone Not In Your Wallet, but On Your Smart Phone!

DIG South returns to Charleston this year for a three-day celebration of tech entrepreneurs and creatives.

CrowdReach is the brainchild of Trey Rust, a Mount Pleasant resident who has worked for several years in the local tech industry. Rust worked with major companies in the tech-security arena, like Blackbaud and Booz Allen Hamilton, before striking out on his own to fill the niche he sees in Charleston and ultimately the nations growing application economy—the ability for small businesses to reach their customers more easily on the web.

The Savannah Stopover festival, a three-day music fest held over multiple venues in historic downtown Savannah, was a blast—and not only because of that infamous open-container law.

Your go-to guide for all things Charleston this weekend, February 26-28

Zach Bjur sits down with one of the last member's of Charleston's Mosquito Fleet, unsung heroes of Charleston's past.

Pop-up Ramen to bring in Chinese New Year

I’ve been casually following the 2016 presidential candidates for both political parties for several months now. Who the hell do you like in this putrid race for the White House?

This week I bring you insight into the inner workings of one of Charleston’s most generous minds. Meet Carolyn Finch. She’s the founder of Charleston Women in Tech, been a guest and speaker at the White House, and mother to baby Juliette, who gently sleeps through the hustle and bustle of Black Tap on a crisp morning.

In 2014 my first piece with Grit was something along the lines of “All the things your stylist wishes you knew”. For over a year I’ve read that particular piece and gotten tons of feedback from other stylists during my travels about the things they would add to it. I can’t help but find some of these things just hysterical and some of them necessary to repeat.

Regan opens up about comedy, politics, passion, and the world changing around him.

How do you promote or share your work with others & what advice can you give to other creatives in your field? How do you self-promote when you're not a born self-promoter?

How, in a city that is heavily stratified by race, income, and history, can one man remain in power so long and remain so beloved? We say thank you to Mayor Joe Riley for forty years of service.

Why dance is the ultimate therapy

If Ginny Deerin is successful in her upcoming bid to be Charleston, South Carolina’s next mayor, she will make history, becoming Charleston’s first female mayor and South Carolina’s first LGBT mayor.

Grit has gotten 6 fresh new voices over the past few weeks. Meet them all here!

It is impressive and perhaps mystifying that Pope Francis is drawing such extensive crowds - that he was the first pope ever to address both houses of Congress and that he is speaking to the United Nations. Shrink Think takes a stab at why the times and the man are right for each other.