
We used Pantone's Color of the Year to inspire a get-ready-for-summer cocktail party—here are our five picks for pulling it together

How do Hoda and KLG booze it up at 10 a.m. and still function the rest of the day? What one word did Hoda use to describe Chas? We've got the scoop (including the best sign from today's crowd) here!

Is happy hour is THE time to shine around here? Here are your top excuses for not circulating, and why each is a load of crap—and killing your chances of landing a job

"There isn't a bad seat in the house..." My former Wando High classmate Charlton Singleton on Charleston Jazz Orchestra’s “Atomic Basie” shows (this Saturday night!), a must-see this weekend

Prep your puppies (take care of your feet), don't overdo the booze, and know your best angle... camera angle, that is. Here are 5 tried-and-true tips for behind-the-scenes brilliance

Sometimes that elephant in the room gets too big to ignore—we can't make it disappear, but you can bet we can make it dance...

... and by "things" we mean alcohol. Rum, tequila, tasty nibbles, and Jack Sparrow all hanging at the Old Charleston Jailhouse? Yes, please! Chas Wine + Food's Friday night party did NOT disappoint

The guy who clicks LIKE when your husband leaves you, the unabashed narcissists, the Toddlers & Tiaras parents... Here it is, the TOP 5 things nobody wants to see on Facebook, but already has...

There was plenty of chatter over whether Tim was spot on in his assessment of Luke Cunningham's performance in particular...

Dirty dancing, gelled hair, spillage, and usually, a good show—here's what a night out on Upper King looks like for the 25-and-under crowd (warning: some of it's not pretty... but, yes, entertaining)

When you perform at the Music Hall, make no mistake: it's SHOWTIME. How did the local acts do? Here's my take on performances by Luke Cunningham, Slow Runner, and the Explorer's Club

Last week I attended a taste testing party for Crown Royal's new maple-flavored variety. Read on for photos of the event and to see what I thought of the novel spirit

Did anyone else read this and feel a jolt of entrepreneurial, get-up-and-do-it energy? Here's why this blog resonates in a city like ours...

"We each held our paper and pens, our smiles, ideas, and naïveté...." A Charleston entrepreneur's story that just might inspire us all to dream a little bigger, work a little harder... imagine more

Oh, it sounds tough. But I can predict who comes out on top of every single one of these "contests." Every time. Am I that good, or is it true that the house always wins... Find out here.

The Daily Beast just ranked Charleston the #4 Drunkest City in America (ahead of New Orleans AND Vegas, mind you). What do you think? Shall we sober up or belly up and have another?

Let's all take a minute and reminisce on some punk rock. After 17 years together, one local star of the genre—FLK—is still searching for some respect (and is playing this weekend in West Ashley!)

Did you know that you can actually hang out Folly in the winter? Without all the shirtless and sweaty volleyball games, shotgunned beers, and asphalt-seared feet? Yeah, me neither. Not a bad Sunday...

Did you know that too many carbs can literally sugar-coat the skin (and not in a good way...)? And what happens when you skimp on sleep? Here are my quick fixes...

Bird carcass meets Pyrex meets half-tin-foil-covered mac-and-cheese... A touch of frostbite from fridge-shelf battles equals a good Thanksgiving in my book