
A black light, some grammar lessons, and a new goal for every single woman to strive for is all we need after Bravo's latest series of videos was released, covering the cast of Southern Charm.

Some of our northern neighbors get their first taste of Southern Charm and from the sound of it, they aren't too fond of the flavor.

The Charleston Music Hall hosted last night's Winter Film Showcase and gave us just a taste of the amazing upcoming music videos, shorts and documentaries Charleston has to look forward to.

If revoltingly uncharming playboys and girls in T-Rav's circle have all that disposable cash fueling their shenanigans, how can the Lowcountry's good guys/gals get some? SCANPO is about to tell us….

The "Southern Charm" trailer's caused a commotion. But really—what can a reality show bring about that we don't already know? Let's remember what it is that truly makes our Southern city so charming..

The lesson involved a trip to the Blind Tiger, a quick chat at the bar, and a "spilled" gin and tonic. And unfortunately, it may be the same lesson people will learn from watching Southern Charm...

It's official: the Charleston-based reality show we've all been dreading will air March 3. Here's a look the Bravo series' FULL TRAILER (paternity tests and fake eyelashes included)...

Tourist food = bland and boring? Not so at these all-star restaurants in Williamsburg, Virginia. Foodies: if you've been having the itch to travel, here's where you should go and what you should order

The blog that evacuated downtown, PLUS! The video spot—shot all over Charleston, with plenty of familiar faces—that got our attention

I turned in this essay on Bravo's reality show to Charleston magazine, blissfully unaware that the term "money shot" originates in... porn

Apparently he was busted early Monday morning on DUI charges in East Hampton. Are we offended he took his antics out of state? And what does this mean for the reality show?

Well, here's a hint: it doesn't quite support our recent ranking as one of the nation's snobbiest cities. And while we're at it, a quick glossary of standout Southern phrases...

Jewelry from Deirdre Zahl's curated vintage collection has already made its way into episodes of Mad Men, and now she's out with her own debut line! Here's more, plus a quick Q&A

Does a Beverly Hills fail equal a big Charleston win? That's the rumor, as the legal drama set in the Holy City was just picked up for 13 episodes. Here's who's starring and more details

Hundreds of Charleston "rogue runners" are playing hooky from work today in a "black ops marathon" that omits red tape, adds three bridges, and includes plenty of beer on Folly

Before Bravo's new reality series begins stabbing us with long-dated stereotypes, here's a newsflash: Charleston is way more interesting than all that... we've got 'burbs, and we know how to use them

You've heard Charleston's about to enter the Bravo reality show fray? And that Thomas Ravenel is set to star? These things never really end well...

The difference here may be subtle, but according to Chas writer Frances—boy is it a biggie. Fellas: read on to see which of these looks is hot, and which is just a hot mess (plus a bonus fashion fail)

Here's one: King Street's Sneaker is throwing a launch party to celebrate its new web shop—and by party I'm talking open bar, five live music acts (including Damon Chivers), and one BIG giveaway

While touring Callie's Biscuits' new home, I found black pepper-bacon buttermilk biscuits, homemade jam, and pimiento cheese. Mmmmm. Another notable finding? THE perfect holiday hostess gift