
Style tips for aspiring musicians (from a guy with zero fashion sense): Don't go onstage looking like a roadie, what I think about bands in costume, is Charleston's "praire rock" look done? And more

Despite it's popularity, does a big-time beauty faux pas count as a crime against fashion? Piper thinks so. She also shows some love here for The Palmetto State's People of WalMart and Joan Rivers...

Straighten your fedora, step into your heels, cinch your belt—time to play fashion editor for a day. CFW creative director Ayoka Lucas kicks off Day 1 with her picks for the sleek and the not-so-chic

And unless you live in the Dark Ages, you are too. Men, women, girls, bystanders... let's gather this evening and do what feminists do best—celebrate each other! See you TONIGHT, 5:30 at the Halsey

If you've got a thing for words, if you're hot for font and a fool for the mesmerizing voluptuousness of phrases writ large and draped about, get thee to the Halsey for Leslie Dill's Poetic Visions

Have a soft spot for this time of year, with its hearts and romance and love-inspired everything? You can roll that right into your home, too—here's 20+ romantic design ideas

Is a good afternoon snooze the cure for most anything? To subdue the daytime drama, tune out the world... Read this and you might rethink all those high-octane afternoons

I took my six-year-old to Blue Man Group on Friday at the PAC, which blew his mind with Twinkie tricks, jigsaw bits, and all-out hilarity. In the end? Oh, that six-year old got down with his bad self

Sex, drugs, and... well, suicide sells. Why artist types can't imagine themselves out of misery, and why the music industry can't get enough of it. (Caution: I don't have answers, just big questions)

A lesson in simplification for the New Year: See things for what they are, whether a strapping beau's passing words or the right way to make a pastry. Think less, feel more... cook better

The holidays mean different things to different folks—gifting, eating, drinking, laughing. For me, more than anything, they're a time I'm beautifully obligated to be with the family that made me.. me

No, you're not. You're just being rude. Since keepin' it real to you may be boorish and offensive to others, here are tips for tactfully telling it like it is

You're going to want these kitchens—here are a few designers (Katie Ridder, Tom Scheerer, Anna Spiro...) who've taken tile beyond the backsplash and redefined the best room in the house

Why not draw inspiration from a single design element? Reclaimed wood is my current go-to for good-looking rooms and just-right juxtapositions (think paneled walls and sleek metal accents)

A near year-end review of my go-to blog site (Editor's note: We SWEAR we didn't bribe Renae to write this)

See Andre Dubus III, the bestselling author of House of Sand and Fog, TONIGHT as part of Ashley Hall's Visiting Writers Series (ATTN aspiring writers: you'll want to read this...)

We're dressing up this year's Red Party as the Emerald City. Get inspiration for your Wizard of Oz-themed look and learn more about the cause behind the annual fete here

Serving up healthy supper fare can be simple and delicious. I recently invited Grit blogger Chassity Evans and some mutual friends over to show just that. On the menu? Lots of veggies!

I talked to Greg Tavares, cofounder of Theatre 99 and now author, about his book "Improv For Everyone"—perfect, he says, for "the improviser who loves improv and wants improv to love you back"

Though I'm fairly certain this piece will get me fired from Grit (and my wife has advised strongly against it), here it is... Six real-clear thoughts on breast-feeding in today's culture