
The New Year brings with it resolutions, a fresh start, and, pretty soon, that glorious tax-return check with your name on it. Men: Here are 10 splurge-worthy items you should keep in mind...

Young musicians (and all you creative types out there), during this season of gatherings, beware of those relatives and family friends trying to “help you” with their own brand of career advice...

The season of feasts is drawing near, reminding me of my kids', husband's, and my own food-related quirks. Also? Here's why you should bless the cook—or cooks—behind your Thanksgiving meal this year

What happens when a thousand-some librarians and a thousand-some rabid YA fans converge in the Holy City in the same week? Could get pretty crazy... The lowdown on Charleston's weekend book surge

I remember when Halloween used to be a magical time for Facebook browsing (read girls in naughty Halloween costumes). But as I'm getting a little older, baby pictures are crowding out the eye candy

Better hurry... America's Got Talent is holding auditions soon in Hotlanta, and they're looking for you. Here's all the info about how to get your mad singing/dancing/juggling skills on camera

Plus: How to fix the bullying problem that's leaving teen casualties in its wake? Here are two ideas, and they don't involve celebrity spokespeople

Taking the long road home, through Majorca's stoney countryside, gives wise and simple insights for rocky times (like that disorder's the sideshow—the amazing truth's that so many things DO work out)

Nearly $700,000 has been raised toward preserving the centuries-old beaut—here's the story behind why she needs saving, plus how you can help protect the long-limbed gal

What do quinoa and handicap go-carts have in common? Well, me of course... A ridiculous food allergy story for your Tuesday, complete with phantom phone calls and a slow-mo Harlem Shuffle

So it's Nat'l Self Improvement month. Cool. But think about it—what does "self improvement" really mean? Here, 5 everyday (not ordinary) 20-somethings weigh in on how they're trying to do just that

Case in point, Rosalind Franklin. A look at her pioneering work as a scientist, the disease that shortened her career, and a local program that supports those with the diagnosis

How to handle a psycho roommate, floods, and football—the first post in Grit's big Back-to-School blog series dishes the do's and the don'ts, quirks and cult knowledge that upperclassmen know by heart

In my first blog for Grit and debut post in my "Why Is No One Talking About..." series, I drink coffee with a local comedian and guess what? Laughter ensues. Check it out...

According to their Facebook page, the producers are in need of some very specific locals (and their dumpy old cars?). Here's a peek at where they'll be and who they want to hire...

Those of us over 35 remember a time when you bought albums—period. Problem was, one or two songs rocked, the rest of it sucked. Here are 13 albums that are good start to finish

"When the f&%$ did feminism and one-night stands become the same thing?" That and more reader reactions to last week's blog post on today's so-called hook-up culture...

No strings attached, BFF 4ever? Hear from journalists, college students, and singles on what dating has become, our hook-up culture, and who's steering the ship (him or her). Plus, a question for you

Here's what I liked about the '80s diva's performance last Wednesday... aaaand what I didn't. Plus, find out what Cyndi called an audience member out for and see 15+ photos from the show

Well, here's a hint: it doesn't quite support our recent ranking as one of the nation's snobbiest cities. And while we're at it, a quick glossary of standout Southern phrases...