In this week's flurry of fashion-filled posts, one especially stood out. Take a read to learn a lesson in style--in both the posing variety, and the prose
Eudora Welty, JK Rowling, and Oscar Wilde turn heads at Fashion Week—well, kind of. Here's to stylish prose guiding striking poses, plus bold statements, good composition, and wise editing all around
As a Valentine's present to me, we tried it, with comical results... But here are 5 ways yoga benefits our marriage, WITHOUT him giggling on the mat next to me.
It's mid January now... If you're not knocking your goals out of the park, hey, I hear you—but don't quit yet. Here are five simple strategies (rooted in yoga) that will help you stay on track
"Time tricks," asking for help, giving negative people the boot... I'm hitting the New Year with a cheat sheet for finding balance with family, work, and everything in between. What are your tricks?
Can we get an ovation over here? Some thunderous applause and an air horn? Because haven't we all had this kind of year at some point—this is for anyone craving a new beginning, a fresh start...
Okay, so I fell once or twice in the last year... (I may have even identified with a Taylor Swift song along the way). Here's why this New Year will be worth the trial-and-error, bumps and bruises
If your New Year's resolution includes a fresher, brighter, more beautiful you—why not start with square one? (Your skin.) Here are three mind, body, spirit tips to shine in 2013
Whether you're headed home from yoga or a late night spent at the Silver Dollar, one thing's for sure: You gotta stop by this seriously awesome eatery, nestled at the corner of Cannon and King
This was a plum blog for so many reasons (i.e. oh, how we love good anecdotal hilarity at Grit) but the one thing that hooked us? We'll tell you here...
Feeling like a "legit yogi," Claire tries Bikram yoga without following a single recommendation on how to prepare for the toasty experience. Here's now NOT to do it...
A whirlwind tour of fashion houses and runways, martini-soaked parties and madras-clad men. We count down Grit's top 5 favorite photos from the blog trilogy—you gotta see these again
Sara Vaughan, Miles Davis, and Enya keep my pooch Pansy from pacing during summer thunderstorms. Could music be just as effective for your nervous system?
Am I missing something? Just because my cohabitation partner in crime goes to a female personal trainer, do we really have to start ringing the anxiety alarm bells?
Stop what you're doing immediately (driving, eating, saving someone's life...) and read this Craig's List ad, written by a guy trying to hock his yoga mat. It gets real—and hilarious—quick...
It's Friday, time to take a break from the bleak War on Women, and dip into some good stories for a change. Lowcountry author Lisa Rentz has just the TGIF freebie you've been waiting for