Artist and activist Melinda Mead Scharstein celebrates her first solo exhibit, boiled peanuts, and Trans* Love Fund, whose ladies' arm-wrestling tournament is this Thursday, December 18, at Tin Roof.
Need some new tunes on your playlist? In the first of our three part recap, Tim and Devin give us their top picks of the best local and national albums released in 2013.
Kevin Hanley and friends from Cord & Pedal Records pulled out all the stops for another spirited holiday program, this time at the Charleston Music Hall—Shovels & Rope, Rachel Kate Gillon, and more!
These three bands broke all of my rules for planning a big show—they're basically doing the opposite of what I'd do. But I'll tell you why this is still a big-time must-see performance...
5 instagrams, that is. Meet this Brooklyn-based (and quite stylish) rockstar duo here. Plus, get the scoop on where to see them live in Chas THIS Friday
You may know of the West Ashley guitarist and singer Skye Paige (and if you don't, keep on reading)... but did you know she's with a new band? Get the scoop, and where to see them play TOMORROW, here
Confession: I went for the smaller acts. Here's my take on the big show at the Family Circle Stadium last week, plus photos and my favorite act of the night
Writers Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain, authors of "Please Kill Me: An Uncensored Oral History Of Punk," come to West Ashley's Tin Roof Monday night. Here's my colorful chat with Legs...
Let's all take a minute and reminisce on some punk rock. After 17 years together, one local star of the genre—FLK—is still searching for some respect (and is playing this weekend in West Ashley!)
Topic A (Tyler Boone's new release, upcoming gig, and marketing scheme) + Topic B (Will local King City Records rule our airways?) = The Big Question: What does it take for a local band to make it?
Should you play at a big-name, cavernous venue like this if you can't draw the crowd, or are you better off at the Tin Roof with a couple dozen devoted fans? Here's what happened (and my answer)...