
I long for school to be more hurricane-like, for the atmospheric conditions of public education to be ripe for downpours of creativity (like this swirling poem from an 8th grader at Moultrie Middle)

When posting a blog on Grit, I'm prompted to choose a category that best suits the post. My frequent label, "Mixed Messages," has helped me define myself as an artist

Choice words for the prez from a Charleston libertarian in the wake of the big off-teleprompter speech in Roanoke. Just who's doing the heavy lifting here?

Over the years I've come to respect movie stars from the 1970s, not only because they were darn good actors, but because they were darn good dressers too...

Summer's bearing down, surf's beefin up. Time to catch the reading wave with surf sensation Kai Dilling

Opinions are split over the firing of Wando High school teacher Chris Posten. Do you think he's a Jackass, 2?
