Best friends are great for a lot of things, especially advice. Our make-up expert shares his memories and gets the scoop from his Southern belle BFF on color trends, how to beat the heat, and more.
IT'S OVER, or so we thought. After eight episodes, we've come to the end of this charming journey. What final twists and turns did our reality TV heroes give us on the last episode?
Making bisque the right way isn't for the faint of heart, but the results are well worth the work, and it can be in stages. This is about the most beautiful crab bisque you will ever savor.
When two of Charleston's premier beauty and fashion experts get together, you'd better pay attention. Andrew C. Petersen and Ashley Brook Perryman cover everything from CFW to new makeup trends.
Peter Pan is going to be pissed when he hears this. Hunter Gardner get's back with Jeremy McLellan to discuss the lessons they took from this most recent episode of Southern Charm.
Fashion Week is HERE and if you're wondering if there are any do's and don'ts, let blogger Andrew C. Peterson tell you how to behave at the tents from his years of experience.
Your trash is my treasure. Blogger Renae Brabham discovered a surprisingly valuable antique in her search through discarded pieces of history, which then becomes a part of her history.
When three comedians sit down and watch Southern Charm together, this is what happens. Hunter Gardner, Jeremy McLellan, and Lauren Krass have a round-table discussion about Charleston's finest.
A black light, some grammar lessons, and a new goal for every single woman to strive for is all we need after Bravo's latest series of videos was released, covering the cast of Southern Charm.
We've all closed up shop for the holiday weekend, and will be back blogging on Monday. But we're leaving you with our top 5 picks for upcoming festivities, because get ready: the holidays are ON...
"There are wines that make me want to go home and go to sleep, and... wines that make me want to go home and have sex with my wife." —Harry Root. (I'll tell you which he poured at his recent tasting)
The season of feasts is drawing near, reminding me of my kids', husband's, and my own food-related quirks. Also? Here's why you should bless the cook—or cooks—behind your Thanksgiving meal this year
My interview with one of my favorite songwriters, on fame (his songs have hit a true pop culture sweet spot, heard on Parenthood, How I Met Your Mother, House, and others), family, and why he writes
While I have no desire to be the pond police, I don't really care to witness one of the dim-witted Aflac ducks outside my window get eaten. Welcome to my wild coyote showdown—guess who won?
Charleston Fashion Week model coordinator Joe Quinn hits the NYFW scene and gives up the goods—Lady Gaga, Courtney Love, a private viewing at the Tibi studio, run-ins with CFW alum... it's all here
Anyone with me in thinking that pets are more than playmates or something to feed? Here's a look at the animals—pigs, goats, and cows included—that have seasoned my life with love and joy
An article out today claims Hollywood execs may be full up on Southern-based reality shows—a look at why they may not hold their viewers, plus the 5 that put the "red" in redneck reality
What was back-to-school shopping like? All about maxis, minis, silk shirts, and swimming with gators... Plus! Some photographic gems I pulled from the Renae Brabham archives
Plus, more of Grit's thoughts on this week' infamous City Paper "bike story." We've also got the yoga studio winner and the winner of our 5-class pass. Click here for the results!