From the salad to the stuffing, here are 5 quick and easy tips for feeding a vegetarian this Thanksgiving (must-read etiquette advice also included...)
The season of feasts is drawing near, reminding me of my kids', husband's, and my own food-related quirks. Also? Here's why you should bless the cook—or cooks—behind your Thanksgiving meal this year
Editors' Note: if this post doesn't give you a hankering for turkey just like your mama makes, we don't know what will? Meantime, cue the run-up to warm, aromatic kitchens and crowded family tables
Heard of it? It's a mash-up of yoga, tribal dance, hip-hop, and real-deal cardio—and I dig it. Classes have made their way east from L.A., and now it's blowin' the doors off a studio in West Ashley...
Seriously, though: just because it's (kind of) getting cooler, you don't have to accept the onset of pasty skin season. Here are three quick tips for keeping a healthy, sexy, seasonal glow
The other evening I lost it after watching an NBC Nightly News story about a 12-year-old who committed suicide due to bullying. So, here's a few words on why we should celebrate the GOOD in others
She's a strong force in the local art scene, gathering local vegetation to prepare her eco-friendly dyes for her masterpieces. Here's a peek at her work, plus find out where you can learn her craft
So you use brushes to get a perfect makeup application, right? Well when's the last time you've washed them? Here are the how-tos for doing just that (letting you get the most out of your investment)
"It's been 15 minutes and you haven't even gotten our drink order!" The rant heard 'round the restaurant, and why the job of a server can look a lot like Steve Irwin... wrangling snakes
The bronzer that's my hands-down fave, the lip shade that looks good on everyone, the BEST $4 mascara—get ready to face fall with my top-ranked beauty picks (& my true love, Shiseido...)
Food = flavored air. Taking risks = how you learn. Making mistakes = just fine. These and other life lessons from the RiverDogs' F&B director, plus a peek at what's next for The Joe's menu
Paired with a bacon & arugula salad, this is one of my favorite lunches... Here's the easy, low-carb, gluten-free recipe + random pics of last week's trip to the zoo (don't worry, they're worth it)
I made this recipe a few weeks ago, but I blame pregnancy brain for forgetting to share it until now. Bacon, corn, feta, avocado? Yes, yes, yes, and yes
Bugs make me do weird things, like cussing up church picnics... But if I learned anything from this one, it's that perhaps after a particularly trying day, we can still right ourselves and press on
Whether you're a student, a techie, a creative, or a businessman, chances are you've got a lot of crap to carry around from day to day. Here's a roundup of the best bags out there to do so in style
Anchovies, Texas Pete, oscillating fans—over the past quarter-century my husband's succeeded in making me accept many things he likes. His latest mission? Scary vampire movies. Here's what happened...
What do men REALLY want? I've got an all-star (sort of...) panel of dads to tell you—hilarious answers, and some useful ones too (hints: beer, music, homemade stuff, beer, done)
Last night's insomnia had me thinking about Harry, Leon, and others I sit with on my stoop. Some have shared their life trials with me, others have not—making me wonder how they got where they are...