
Left cheek, right cheek, left cheek, right cheek... the story of me, Latin dance, T-Pain's Booty Wurk, and about as much awkward Caucasian dancing as you can stand

Last week, blogger Tim Brennan got us thinking about artist-types and their predilection to suicide. As a psychiatrist, I had to weigh in (also, college kids? You need to read this)

True, I don't need more than a couple of shotguns and a rifle to take down a deer. But then, the 2nd Amendment was never about protecting the right go hunting. Here's the point...

The guys in A Fragile Tomorrow have friends in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Yet locally, the power pop stars are virtually ignored. How 'bout we all take notice? We can start with their show TOMORROW

Shouting at me like a carnival barker? No thanks. Loud, in-your-face, me2me sales pitches don't work with this gal—instead, you must engage me. Here's how (if you're in sales, you need to read...)

Kids making noises with their armpits, boiled peanut shells tossed out of windows, and cries of "He's touching me!", "How much further?", and "I have to pee!" Let's hear it for family road trips

What's a tree-lighting ceremony without a...giraffe? You thought I was going to say Santa. This weekend's bungled wild animal appearance in Marion Square was a waste of taxpayer dollars, and confusing

My advice for taking in Friday night's show at the Music Farm, in a mere 20 Tips or Less. Really, buy me a Guinness and follow my advice. Only some of it though... Most of it doesn't even work for me

Okay, looking for an amazing brunch (or just good bread) on James Island? Baguette Magic will knock your socks off, and if you're like me, you'll end up fighting your spouse for "sharing bites"

Did you know it's illegal to move citrus out of Charleston County? Here's why, what the ramifications are, and how you can help stop the spread of a citrus epidemic

Say it sista! Holly’s straight-talking fact vs. fiction breakdown of the writing profession is one we—and all Charleston creatives—can applaud

A Carrie Bradshaw utopia? A beret-wearing "artiste" scribbling mindlessly? Author Holly Herrick sets the record straight on what the life of a writer is really all about

In his first exclusive behind-the-scenes recap of NYFW for Grit, Cator Sparks chats up Yoko Ono, spies a killer heel by Chadwick Bell, and reviews Laura Siegel, Micah Cohen, Tanya Taylor, and more

After my Rum Stroll at Middleton Place last night where I sipped with the best of them, I can offer you a brief—if slightly scandalous—history of the good-time drink's role in Charleston's history

The key to preventing unsightly skin conditions is understanding what I call "the body garden" (hint: what's happening in your mind may be wreaking havoc on your skin and digestive system, too)

Personal relationships aren't the only breakups we're faced with. Here's some quick tips for rejuvenating your mind, body, and skin after loss

In honor of National Library Week, and of our local Superheros—the fabulous, under-celebrated, always-resourceful librarians—our first "Meet your Librarian" profile, starring Jennifer Hawes

We Bridge Run veterans think we know it all. All the 1,956 douchey things you can do during a race that irritates/fascinates the rest of the pack. But I heard a new one today....

The summer after I graduated from college I came home and spent the season terrorizing my mom and putting off the “real world” as I searched for a job.

A chat with one of Charleston's blooming artistic talents, plus a peek at her work
