Why are we showing the world our food? What UNIVERSE are we in with all the "selfies?" I emailed 20 or 30 people and asked what they consider the worst offenses. Here's the first, horrifying half:
After a failed V-Day surprise involving a risqué love letter and a bologna sandwich, this year I'm taking a different, more humbling approach: I'm thinking about timeless, ageless, G-rated love
Okay, looking for an amazing brunch (or just good bread) on James Island? Baguette Magic will knock your socks off, and if you're like me, you'll end up fighting your spouse for "sharing bites"
Whether you're headed home from yoga or a late night spent at the Silver Dollar, one thing's for sure: You gotta stop by this seriously awesome eatery, nestled at the corner of Cannon and King
Sure, that extra hour of sleep last weekend was great. But with the end of daylight savings has come the end of my evening runs. In their place: the dreaded early-a.m. workout. Here's how I'm coping
Black Bean Co.'s known for their great salads and wraps. But what happens when they decide to throw a new dinner menu in the mix? Healthy eaters, you should flock to them ASAP because it is GOOD
It's been said lately that the color most associated with American food is beige. Beige?! Now that's just depressing. It's time to work some nutritious Roy G. Biv action into our day-to-day diets
Some of us live to eat, some of us write to eat, some of us live to write. If you're somewhere in the mix, take a break from 3 for $30 menu offerings and indulge at this weekend's writers' retreat
In her first post on Grit, Heavy On the Veggie's Claire O'Bryan shares her foolproof ways to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your daily eats
In his first exclusive behind-the-scenes recap of NYFW for Grit, Cator Sparks chats up Yoko Ono, spies a killer heel by Chadwick Bell, and reviews Laura Siegel, Micah Cohen, Tanya Taylor, and more
It's time people stop attaching their faith to political candidates. They'll build Perfectville, alright—but it's for them, their yes-men, and a few choice 21-year-old interns
Fish don't care whether you show up in a PFG Columbia Fishing shirt with mosquito repellent in the fabric or a tank top, with a $20 lure or a $3-buck can of worms—they'll bite when they bite
Summer may be coming to an end, but don't fret. I have two fabulous cocktails (including a watermelon margarita to go with your Moon and Stars gazpacho) to help you enjoy the season's last few days
Amidst the driving rain, this one got right to the heart of our creative spirits. Add in the brilliant poem by local 8th grader Nina Howard, and receiving this post was simply an honor...
I long for school to be more hurricane-like, for the atmospheric conditions of public education to be ripe for downpours of creativity (like this swirling poem from an 8th grader at Moultrie Middle)