Heard of a Southern Sour? No? Well, now you have... The Gibbes' annual Society 1858 meeting is today—find out exactly what Gin Joint bartender James Wampler mixed up for the artsy affair
Cator Sparks was there, along with Ayoka Lucas, Cindy Hayes, the Macintosh, FIG, WildFlour and so many more... all decked in their finest pink for the street party of the year. Lots of photos here
I took my six-year-old to Blue Man Group on Friday at the PAC, which blew his mind with Twinkie tricks, jigsaw bits, and all-out hilarity. In the end? Oh, that six-year old got down with his bad self
Regardless of what any government leader does, as an arts community we can survive—and thrive—by resetting our sights on commerce, risk, innovation, AND community
"Contemporary art breathes life into a historic home; it keeps things unpredictable and interesting..." A modern-art Q&A with collectors Kristin and Stan Stevens