
Comedy Central's Drunk History is shooting in town next week. Here's the EXCLUSIVE SCOOP on where, plus how you can get on camera, share your history smarts, and do what Charleston does best—get tipsy

... 'Tis my mantra for 2014. I realize I've been inundated lately with crap—that I've spent way too much time thinking about what she said, he said, and what the fox said. So here it is: My resolution

Last week brought a deluge of tributes to the late president. Here's one more, courtesy of an old sailor I met right here in Charleston at the Yorktown. But can you trust the yarns of an old sailor?

I remember when Halloween used to be a magical time for Facebook browsing (read girls in naughty Halloween costumes). But as I'm getting a little older, baby pictures are crowding out the eye candy

Our best of the week! And speaking of airports, please say you've seen this old Jimmy Kimmel/Adam Carolla skit—the drunk pilots? It's a must-see

The local comedian who was born with 2 assholes: his mom AND his dad. All about his must-see variety show this weekend at Theatre 99, co-written by Vince Fabra and featuring Dusty Slay

Favorite live music venue: The Pour House. Least favorite thing at Pour House: Hawaiian shirt guy petting dog with his bare feet. I'll tell you about him, Encino Man, and The Dirty Dozen Brass Band

Last Friday, Charleston Sports and Social Clubbers and our tens of fans flocked to The Joe for a party like no other (and spring kickball finals). Put this one on your planner for next season...

What in the hell is a Megabanger Garden in Spring? It's part of Grit's rowdy rundown of MUSTS for the 4th, including show times, the best and worst flag swimsuits, and a wicked sweet surfboard

Sitting in traffic for half the day, sleeping in your car: locals weigh in on their big July 4th fails, plus 2 must-have beach toys and... Yep. We've got red, white, & blue Jell-O shots

Post-grad success: A resume ripe with internships? An impressive corporate position? Or maybe it's being genuinely happy with a not-so-perfect plan. A recent article in "The Week" has me wondering...

The fashion-filled bootcamp continues! Here's the behind-the-scenes breakdown from yesterday—from custom fit duds from Mychael Knight to tales of the over-served at the Rarebit after party

Prep your puppies (take care of your feet), don't overdo the booze, and know your best angle... camera angle, that is. Here are 5 tried-and-true tips for behind-the-scenes brilliance

Is it that we're obsessed with our phones? Too much booze? What IS it that makes the dating scene in Chas considered a "barren wasteland?" Let's get to the bottom of this—start by taking our quiz

There was plenty of chatter over whether Tim was spot on in his assessment of Luke Cunningham's performance in particular...

Dirty dancing, gelled hair, spillage, and usually, a good show—here's what a night out on Upper King looks like for the 25-and-under crowd (warning: some of it's not pretty... but, yes, entertaining)

When you perform at the Music Hall, make no mistake: it's SHOWTIME. How did the local acts do? Here's my take on performances by Luke Cunningham, Slow Runner, and the Explorer's Club

Hall & Oates proved it's still a solid entertainment duo decades after "Maneater," and outlaw country artist Eric Church rocked the Coliseum (amidst fans who couldn't quite hold their liquor...)

Did you know that you can actually hang out Folly in the winter? Without all the shirtless and sweaty volleyball games, shotgunned beers, and asphalt-seared feet? Yeah, me neither. Not a bad Sunday...

It was Christmas Eve babe / In the drunk tank / An old man said to me: won’t see another one... A slightly unconventional list of tracks that doesn't include Ives or Sinatra (Run D.M.C. anyone?)