
Coming to a neighborhood near you.

Was your random roommate ever this terrible?

You need to eat your grits to get off the grid.

Teenie, tiny, not so tiny, just right.

The results are in! Now's your chance to pick the winner of the Charleston Grit DIY Wedding Contest.

Grit-worthy Charleston events 3/13–3/15. Trust us, you'll have a blast.

In the age of life-simplifying apps, Tinder has certainly changed the dating game and hook up culture. But is it for the better?

Musing on conclaves and rising smoke, metaphysics and physics, with insight from two of Charleston's keenest minds: Stephen Colbert and John Keller. Plus, global career advice for all you CofC-ers

What part of town do you call home? West Trashy? Mount Plastic? My upcoming move from JI to West Ash has me paying mind to the stereotypes (or are they judgements?) we in the Lowcountry give our hoods

It's too bad I already have a garage and a house filled with "deals" that I "had" to have. Some of these things are calling out my name!