When three comedians sit down and watch Southern Charm together, this is what happens. Hunter Gardner, Jeremy McLellan, and Lauren Krass have a round-table discussion about Charleston's finest.
The big chill we've endured of late is the perfect excuse to make a long-braised, delicious soulful stew, such as Pot au Feu. This stew is a classic for a reason, it's remarkably good.
They say to "write what you know" and when it comes to singer songwriter Martin Sexton, I'm well aware that I basically turn into a teenage girl at an NSYNC concert, and I love it.
Can an online quiz or horoscope determine who you are? Read blogger Renae Brabham's journey through the riff raff of today's online test fad to find the real definition of her self worth.
Why not share one of the greatest expressions of love for your lover this Valentine's Day and cook up some delicious beignets. They're fun to make and even more fun to eat. Guaranteed lovefest!
Need some new tunes on your playlist? In the first of our three part recap, Tim and Devin give us their top picks of the best local and national albums released in 2013.
I go to the gym for fitness. Actually, I go out of guilt and shame from the copious amount of pizza I just consumed, but DJ Broseph, he goes for an entirely different experience.
Kristian Bush of Sugarland is set to play the Windjammer tonight, and blogger Devin Grant's interview with him gives us a look into the musical journey that brought him to where he is today.
The same old, same old on Super Bowl Sunday can get boring and fattening, fast. Change the play with this winning and easy to make Coq au Vin, a French classic that everyone will love.
Polar Vortex or not, it's time to wake up and smell the flowers. Joan McDonald and Charleston's Horticulture Society are giving you a chance to get your green thumb ready for Spring.
I recently discovered an incredible new line of jewelry that's locally made and inspired by nature. If you haven't already heard of Twine and Twig, read on—it's totally amazeballs...
McKenzie Eddy's success with King Dusko came not only from her time bumping shoulders with some of hip hop's greatest, but a desire to provide a launching pad for other artists like her.
I went into the old downtown theater a little bah humbug, hoping the revelry of it all would turn me back out onto Queen Street buzzing with Christmas spirit. Hmmm... did it work?
Mel Washington enlisted help from Brave Baby's Wolfgang Zimmerman, Death On Two Wheels' Alex Stanley, & others to record a seriously soulful Christmas album. Hear some (& enter to win a copy!) here
Here's a draft of a new recipe for my upcoming cookbook, "The French Cook: Soups and Stews," out fall 2014. The brilliant red, white, and green hues of this soup make it a perfect Christmas starter
I hit the magazine release party the other night, honoring GQ's Most Imaginative Bartender contender Hallie Arnold. I sucked back a few of her winning cocktails and snapped a few photos of the bash..
If Brackish Bow Ties aren't on your radar, tune in! These locally made feather ties are super cool and super unique. Here's a look, plus where to get them this weekend...
Last week brought a deluge of tributes to the late president. Here's one more, courtesy of an old sailor I met right here in Charleston at the Yorktown. But can you trust the yarns of an old sailor?