A farmer’s daughter, I grew up on a hog farm in Iowa in the 60s-70s. With only a high school education, and after being a full time mother and wife for 20 years, I entered the job market for the first time at age 37. I’ve managed to carve out a successful career in the software industry. When asked how I was able to accomplish that without a degree, I don’t really have an answer except that my soul would simply have it no other way. I am a survivor of domestic violence and have raised three awesome adults. Those were my greatest challenges and I have many scars. Writing since I can remember, my pieces have rarely been read by anyone else, let alone appreciated. Gratefully, I have found my tribe in the spiritual community here in Charleston. They have encouraged me to follow my purpose, and to share my experiences as I embark on the next chapter of my life and my journey toward healing.