Serving Charleston: Serve Your City app is serving the Holy City.

Jeanne Everett

Serve Your City is an online platform designed for Food and Bev user reviews.

The Founder, Will Price, decided to create this app with the help of That Level media. With their help, Will created an app that serves the food and beverage industry well.

It provides both sides of the spectrum, the employees and employers, a chance to review their workplace, their bosses, coworkers, etc.



The Charleston area is not new to the ever changing food and beverage scene.

We have a scrumptious food industry here that spans over the Charleston area reaching penisulas and islands like John's Island, James Island , Kiawah, Daniel Island, Mount Pleasant, etc.


Everywhere we turn, there is another new hotspot to eat at, drink at and hey, even work at!


Charleston is a small town once you've lived here for several years , I have lived here for over 7 years and attended high school and college here.


Anytime I've applied to a retail job in college, I reached out to an old friend or asked around and found something.


But, sadly, asking around and hearing this and that doesn't always give you the full feel of a workplace.


With the Serve Your City app, you get to read and leave reviews and get a feel for a possible future workplace.


Charleston needed this with it's forever growing food scene and I am glad Will was there to create it.


Download the FREE app on your phone and feel free to check it out online here.