
In the season two premiere of Shepic Fail, watch as Shep Rose and Hunter Gardner learn the ins and outs of pet photography from PPA photographer Chris Martin.

Always getting the crowd sweaty and loose, these L.A. natives have created a sassy sound that’s a blend of deep soul, rare funk, and afro-disco with a raw rock-star edge.

From April 28 to May 2, our hustlin’ and bustlin’ city was home to Dig South 2015, hosted by Cinebarre.

Random Rab and saQi played Wednesday night at the Charleston Pour House as a stop on their North American Tour 2015.

Read on for 20+ excuses to relax, escape from the norm, and travel this summer to see where countless artists of all genres are popping up all over the country.

Saturday night at the Pour house was local award-winning band Sol Driven Train’s album release party, with opener BIG Something.

Friday night at the Charleston Pour House kicked off a weekend chock-full of great music. I got to meet the opening duo, Dean Spaniol and Luke Sipka, better known as Bells and Robes, and chatted with them briefly about their roots and musical pursuits.

From the huge hair to the skinny bellbottoms, Saturday night at the Music Farm was a lot of fun, but part of me would have rather been at home saving money and listening to a real Zeppelin record.

To wear black, or not to wear black—is that not always the question?

Get a taste of Cuba without leaving the Lowcountry.

Grit-worthy Charleston events 3/13–3/15. Trust us, you'll have a blast.

I speak for many when I say that the Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park in Live Oak, Florida, is a home away from home. This time, I got to return to the epic Aura Arts and Music Festival.

Truth be told, I had my doubts about this band. It is no easy feat to take on the legendary lights, music, and theatrics of the band that made history with their intensely conceptual and psychedelic multimedia events. However, I was pleasantly surprised.

Dead 27s, one of my favorite local bands, prove that not only can they mesmerize onstage, but that they're also awesome dudes to talk to.

With everyone eagerly anticipating warmer spring surf, early March might just deliver.

New Orleans, Louisiana funk and jam band Dumpstaphunk gave us not only a name to remember, but also a killer live experience at the Pour House last Saturday night.

A Creative Obituary for Zachary James Breitengross

Grit-worthy Charleston events 2/6–2/8. Trust us, you'll have a blast.

Greg Colleton, Redux's director of operations, chats about gallery etiquette, the upcoming Danielle Wyckoff exhibit, and Charleston's favorite pastime—day drinking.

Nina Garner discusses her creative process, how Charleston influences her work, and her show December 7 at the ARK in Awendaw.