
A family reunion, summer camp-style—complete with basketball, climbing walls, fishing derbies, and fireworks—serves as a good reminder of how to live year-round

In Part One we covered the basics—how to wrap your head around photo collecting and some tricks of the trade. Now it's time to get going by utilizing the host of resources available (and listed here!)

Bottom line? Anyone can buy art. And adding photography to your collection is fun—here's a few tricks of the trade, including some good warnings (like using caution with emerging talents)

Craving stillness and focus in the artsy chaos of Spoleto? Take cover under this inspired artist's tent

"Contemporary art breathes life into a historic home; it keeps things unpredictable and interesting..." A modern-art Q&A with collectors Kristin and Stan Stevens

You don't want to lose precious photos—like, say, this uber-cool Isaac Hayes image by Ernest Withers—to Charleston heat. I've got 4 tips for keeping your fine art and family shots intact
