
… is all I could think while watching Cirque du Soleil's "Quidam," now playing in North Chas. If you're staying in town this holiday weekend, read on. Here are 5 reasons why you shouldn’t miss it

Now that Fashion Week's behind us, it's time to call attention to the catwalkers who made the show. From the standout youngsters to the most dedicated, here they are: The CFW Model Superlatives

Which local band has the best video of 2013? You help decide—the winner gets $250 bucks. Check out the first entry and give it a thumbs up or down...

Sleep is becoming more elusive by the day... A Cynthia Rowley soiree with Fern Mallis, modeling scouts, and loving Afriyie Poku's standing O. Plus Loren's Macintosh/Cocktail Club after-party wrap-up

"Mommy Wars," "Having it All," the trendy new definition of a "Real" Woman... Here's a list of ridiculous things about parenting and well, LIVING, that ought to be chucked from everyday discourse

What looks do the models kick back in when they're not strutting down the catwalk? Here are some of my favorite "off-hours" looks

Can emotional scars make awesome tunes? Do well-adjusted teens signal the end of quality rock? I may have a solution

I couldn't help it, I laughed—and I laughed HARD, the way we do sometimes. Right up until the joke was on me. Here's the story of me, a military vet, and my right side view mirror....

Style tips for aspiring musicians (from a guy with zero fashion sense): Don't go onstage looking like a roadie, what I think about bands in costume, is Charleston's "praire rock" look done? And more

Though you sure can't learn the definition of ironic from Alanis Morissette, I discovered Saturday night that if you listen closely, the Charleston duo Shovels & Rope can teach you a thing or two...

Straighten your fedora, step into your heels, cinch your belt—time to play fashion editor for a day. CFW creative director Ayoka Lucas kicks off Day 1 with her picks for the sleek and the not-so-chic

For all you under-agers out there, I get it, I've been there—I've soared with fake ID success and skulked off empty-handed while upperclassmen hooted at my failure. Hey, I just wanted a beer....

The guy who clicks LIKE when your husband leaves you, the unabashed narcissists, the Toddlers & Tiaras parents... Here it is, the TOP 5 things nobody wants to see on Facebook, but already has...

The musician from Fowler's Mustache who nearly lost his life last summer quietly took to the stage last night, covering Bob Dylan's "I Shall Be Released" and reminding us to embrace the little things

Dirty dancing, gelled hair, spillage, and usually, a good show—here's what a night out on Upper King looks like for the 25-and-under crowd (warning: some of it's not pretty... but, yes, entertaining)

Is a good afternoon snooze the cure for most anything? To subdue the daytime drama, tune out the world... Read this and you might rethink all those high-octane afternoons

The Manti T'eo story is weird, and yet it's currently drowning in the murky waters of Lance's arrogant mea culpa. Tim reminded us that those "dangerous" musician types may not be so bad after all

Fellow parents, think this couldn't happen to your kids? Think again. Here's the frightening lesson we learned right at our local library

...a lot of things. The list of scandal makers in sports (and finance and Congress and so on) is growing. Sure, nobody's perfect, but I have to ask: Could rock and roll be the last noble profession?

I took my six-year-old to Blue Man Group on Friday at the PAC, which blew his mind with Twinkie tricks, jigsaw bits, and all-out hilarity. In the end? Oh, that six-year old got down with his bad self