James Island

Okay, looking for an amazing brunch (or just good bread) on James Island? Baguette Magic will knock your socks off, and if you're like me, you'll end up fighting your spouse for "sharing bites"

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! With the holiday season officially upon us, we've pulled together a go-to guide for the weeks ahead; from Thanksgiving fun happening TONIGHT right on through New Year's

Black Bean Co.'s known for their great salads and wraps. But what happens when they decide to throw a new dinner menu in the mix? Healthy eaters, you should flock to them ASAP because it is GOOD

Last Wednesday, I set out in search of traditional Irish music. Instead I found Gerry Kieran, no live music, a bottle of Connemara, and a damn good clubhouse

It's fall in Charleston; thus the perfect time to run outdoors. So turn off the TV, step off the treadmill, and head outside already! Here are my five favorite running routes around town

In getting ready to run the 10K Eco-Run this weekend at Folly, Claire talks triathlons, training, and why signing up for a race can be a great way to streamline your workouts

Have you heard of Berta's Bread? Pop into the City Marina Shop or Caroline's Market (James Island) and see what a little "starter" can do

When words fail, let the music play. This Saturday's Marley Lion Music Festival will bring together our community to remember, celebrate, laugh, cry, and heal following the tragedy in our own backyard

Word to the wise... It appears the City's parking enforcement division has embarked on a wild booting binge up and down peninsula streets. Here's what I saw yesterday

Finally the sun is out, and last night—as it slipped behind the Dock Street Theatre—we celebrated the golden hour with the Lowcountry’s best poetry reader, reading her own work
