Day 9: Grit's Fashion Loves & Loathes

Instant Grit

Charleston's Grit's 12 Days of Fashion: Loves & Loathes

(We want to hear from you! Click here to find out how it works and how to submit yours. Submission details also listed at bottom of this blog...)


Submitted by: Evans

Age: 27

Occupation: Retail/Freelance writer/babysitter extraordinaire

Lives: Johns Island


LOVE: Confidence


Source: Glamour

"While the above woman's outfit (to me, at least) seems pretty simple at first glance, her attitude isn’t. I don’t know this girl, but I’m pretty confident she doesn’t take any crap. I mean, she’s wearing cut-offs and a button-down and she looks fantastic. I want to bottle up her attitude and keep it around for when I’m having a debbie-downer day. See, I admire the shit out of any man or woman that can throw on even the most ridiculous outfit on Planet Earth and look a-maz-ing all because of their “I do what I want” attitude. When it comes to fashion, I believe you should wear what makes you feel good. And if rockin’ that matching cardigan set with khakis makes you feel alive, then you rock on, sister." 


LOATHE: Raccoon Eyes/Crusty Eye Make-up. (Yes, yes, I did just say “crusty....”) 


Source: Glamour

"Look, we’ve all been at that point where we’re too tired to wash our faces before work or whatever, but that’s why they invented those amazing makeup wipes. I don’t think anything good comes from bringing yesterday’s leftovers into today. Wipe it off, y’all. Wipe. It. Off."




Ready to sound off on your loves and loathes for Grit's 12 Days? Let's do it.

Here's how to submit:
1. Send an email to Grit editor Ellen McGauley at Put 12 Days in the subject line.
2. List one look you love and one you hate. Each should be accompanied by a) a quote about why b) a picture or two illustrating the look.
3. List the online source of any images submitted. We need to credit them correctly. 
4. Include first name, general occupationage, and the part of town in which you live. These will be listed with each submission used.
5. Do it before March 15!
We'll run as many as we can! The more colorful the commentary, the better. So go ahead, give us your Fashion Grit.