
Shep Rose takes a look into #BREXIT, immigration, and America, dammit!

In the fourth issue of "Meta Mag," local artists and poets explore the theme of money.

What wisdom would you text your younger self?

Why is everyone so angry!? Southern Charm may not be a perfect representation of our beloved Charleston, but does that call for a digital, fact checking vigilante? Let's take a step back.

Hiding from conflict at work, home, or anywhere isn't the answer, nor is expecting perpetual peace. Believe it or not, you can be good at dealing with the difficult. Here's five tips

Okay (gulp) we admit it... we women can get a little competitive. This Grit gal turned the spotlight on high, handed us a mirror, and said, "Hey! Cut. It. Out."

Turns out those Gossip Girls are more realistic than the Ya-Yas or Traveling Pant sisters. Ladies: are you steamrolling your fellow females?

Regardless of what any government leader does, as an arts community we can survive—and thrive—by resetting our sights on commerce, risk, innovation, AND community