Blogger E. Louise asks: Are you confident enough to cover up, to know your aesthetic strengths and play to those? Or do we need to keep letting it all hang out, like a bouncing, bodacious buffet?
Style tips for aspiring musicians (from a guy with zero fashion sense): Don't go onstage looking like a roadie, what I think about bands in costume, is Charleston's "praire rock" look done? And more
My mom and I bought a bow knife off an Appalachian craftsman, then hit the Music Hall for the Living With Wolves documentary, successfully ending my longstanding hostility toward the creatures
For all you under-agers out there, I get it, I've been there—I've soared with fake ID success and skulked off empty-handed while upperclassmen hooted at my failure. Hey, I just wanted a beer....
It may sound strange, but yes, yes, yes. A recent trip to Burwell’s on Market Street made me feel like I was eating vegetables from my own backyard (which actually, kind of was the case). Here’s how
Feeling adrift? Not of what you bring to the table? Whether you're out of work or hitting a career crisis, here's a few ways to get your mojo back in a hurry
"We each held our paper and pens, our smiles, ideas, and naïveté...." A Charleston entrepreneur's story that just might inspire us all to dream a little bigger, work a little harder... imagine more
Shouting at me like a carnival barker? No thanks. Loud, in-your-face, me2me sales pitches don't work with this gal—instead, you must engage me. Here's how (if you're in sales, you need to read...)
No, you're not. You're just being rude. Since keepin' it real to you may be boorish and offensive to others, here are tips for tactfully telling it like it is
I'm tired of power getting a bad rap. And of the idea that nice women don't play with power. Yes they do. Here are three more incorrect notions women have about power, plus how to get over them
Red. Bright, bold, check-me-out red. Here are need-to-know steps to achieving the timeless, alluring look, so that you can wear the color without the color wearing you
Is applying in-person for a job "old school" or "must-do?" Have you practiced your verbal commercial? Here are 6 smart tips for job seekers and client-seeking consultants
Okay (gulp) we admit it... we women can get a little competitive. This Grit gal turned the spotlight on high, handed us a mirror, and said, "Hey! Cut. It. Out."
Though I'm fairly certain this piece will get me fired from Grit (and my wife has advised strongly against it), here it is... Six real-clear thoughts on breast-feeding in today's culture
It's exhausting, not to mention mostly unattainable (just ask all 49,500 people who Googled "perfectionism" last month!). Here are 5 tips for bagging the impossible quest