Want to add life to an old costume or just look festive when you take the kids out this year? Lori Simpson of Makelab Charleston shows us cheap ways to look good on Halloween.
At The Coastal Cupboard in Mount Pleasant, everyone from novice cooks to experienced connoisseurs can learn something from in-house chef Bryan Breeland
Here's your chance to get an in-depth, five day cooking class from one of the south's premier culinary queens. Don't miss this once in a lifetime chance at Southern Season this summer.
While everyone is worried about the bars closing at 12, let's not forget this local young gun that's accomplished more in middle school than some adults have. Watch out Bill Gates.
Don't be afraid of the "Om" and get your tickets to Grammy-nominated Kirtan artist Jai Uttal's performance this weekend. You'll discover there's so much more to yoga and meditation than you thought.
Have you ever wondered what to do when it comes to entertaining guests? Here's your chance to learn new recipes, and what to do with the food once you've cooked it from two Charleston experts.
Desmond Kinlaw was back out at the tents with his camera for night three of Charleston Fashion Week 2014. Check out some photos and videos of all the high fashion outside the tents.
I go to the gym for fitness. Actually, I go out of guilt and shame from the copious amount of pizza I just consumed, but DJ Broseph, he goes for an entirely different experience.
Ayoka Lucas tells us how dance instructor Angel Roberts and her Peace Love Hip Hop dance studios are giving all ages a place to learn how to Twerk out some of their best moves.
The Best of Broadway series at the N. Charleston PAC continues this week with "The Addams Family." Here's what I thought of the creepily funny show, and why you should go see it TONIGHT with the fam
Heard of it? It's a mash-up of yoga, tribal dance, hip-hop, and real-deal cardio—and I dig it. Classes have made their way east from L.A., and now it's blowin' the doors off a studio in West Ashley...
She's a strong force in the local art scene, gathering local vegetation to prepare her eco-friendly dyes for her masterpieces. Here's a peek at her work, plus find out where you can learn her craft
So summer's over—time to pack up the swimsuit and stay inside? Heck no. Early fall's the perfect time to hit the water and try your hand at my newest obsession: SUP yoga. Here's why...
The local comedian who was born with 2 assholes: his mom AND his dad. All about his must-see variety show this weekend at Theatre 99, co-written by Vince Fabra and featuring Dusty Slay
Charleston native and budding designer Monique Araujo is Paris-bound—about her, the dress that won her third nationally in the Humane Society competition, and the sewing machine awaiting her in France
We've heard from students, post-grads, and parents aplenty this week, so to round out the series, we bring you a letter from a Lowcountry teacher. Parents: here's what NOT to do this school year...
As you may have deduced from the empty red solo cup perched on the hood of your car this morning, the College of Charleston is back in session. Here are 5 ways you can successfully duck the insanity
How to handle a psycho roommate, floods, and football—the first post in Grit's big Back-to-School blog series dishes the do's and the don'ts, quirks and cult knowledge that upperclassmen know by heart
Plus, more of Grit's thoughts on this week' infamous City Paper "bike story." We've also got the yoga studio winner and the winner of our 5-class pass. Click here for the results!