Cat Grit

Instant Grit


We've discovered Charleston Grit's alter ego—Cat Grit. Ok, so we may be a little late to the game in discovering Meowbify (CNET and Huffington Post both covered it more than two years ago), but we've decided to revive it. You may be thinking, "Why the hell do I want to look at pictures of cats?" Or, you may be thinking, "Why the hell not?" Whatever the case may be, we're betting you're definitely looking for a way to waste some time until you can clock out for the weekend, so we bring this gift to you. 


Cats have a history of taking over the internet and somehow convincing you to look at pictures, videos, and gifs for hours, only to realize you've missed breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This feline fascination remains a mystery, but let's just go with it. 


Meowbify is a website that allows you to input a URL of any site out there, and it will replace all images with pictures, videos, and gifs of kitties. According to its homepage, "Meowbify uses Mobify's industry leading technology to make the whole internet cat friendly." We approve. 


Take a look at some screen grabs of our site, and dont forget to check out Cat Grit itself.