Chew On This: The Young. The Wise. The Undiscovered.

Stephanie Hunt

The tents are up, the wine glasses are stacked and ready, the forks raring to go. It's Wine & Food time, when bellies are primed and tourists are going whole hog, literally. But if you're like me and don't plan ahead in time to score a pricey event ticket, or don't like eating with crowds, or your mother warned you against PDA (Public Displays of Appetite), then you're still in luck. Tomorrow, TEDxMarionSquare will be offering a FREE feast of the intellectual and inspirational variety. A day full of nutrients, with zero calories and NO trans-fats. No kale or collards either, but that's okay. 


So take a break from the crowds at Marion Square and head to the Calhoun Street main branch of the Charleston County Library and enjoy TED's dynamic 2013 line-up coming to you Live from Long Beach California, featuring "The Young. The Wise. The Undiscovered." Chew on new ideas, digest challenging concepts, maybe even dream a little. Turn over a new leaf rather than a new napkin. 


And don't forget dessert... coming in May: Charleston's own version of TED, at our inaugural TEDxMarionSquare on May 15th. 


The Young. The Wise. The Undiscovered.
Thursday, February 28
Charleston County Library