There's been much buzz about The Hangover's Alan lurking around the Cooper River Bridge Run this year (it's actually his second go at it), so much so that a rogue cover entrant appeared in Charleston editor-in-chief Darcy Shankland's cache of May cover choices. And why not? Has Charleston ever had a Wolfpack Issue? Come to think of it, has anyone?
Back story: In the midst of deciding on the cover image for the upcoming Arts Issue, Darcy sent a couple frontrunner options out to a small group of friends to get their feedback. This is what she got back from pal Michael Wallen... aka ALAN (who in real life is a big wig at Adobe, a father to a totally normal one-year-old, and a Charleston native). The following message was attached:
How about going with a real local celebrity... some would say a loner.
(Cover photo credits: from left, Folklore Productions, Andy Philipson, both courtesy of Spoleto Festival USA; hot mess collage by Michael Wallen)