What happens when a small local band goes on tour? Does it guarantee fame? Break-ups? Bad tattoos? I sat down with 2 soon-to-be-touring groups at Blind Tiger to find out the plan... if there is one
The guys in A Fragile Tomorrow have friends in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Yet locally, the power pop stars are virtually ignored. How 'bout we all take notice? We can start with their show TOMORROW
Topic A (Tyler Boone's new release, upcoming gig, and marketing scheme) + Topic B (Will local King City Records rule our airways?) = The Big Question: What does it take for a local band to make it?
Think politics are a pain in the ass now? This post was proof positive it's a volatile issue no matter the candidates OR supporters, just as it was for these 70s-era six-year-olds
Years after a heated schoolyard Ford/Carter debate, and days after swearing off political bickering on Facebook, I'm free to focus on what really matters—like the new A Fragile Tomorrow CD