
You could call her an artist, taxidermist, metalsmith, illustrator, sculptor, teacher, photographer, or businesswoman, and each time you would be right. You would think someone with such a breadth of experience wouldn’t be so fantastic in each discipline, but she is.

With this blog I aim to illustrate the lush variety of careers that we just never learn about in school. Hats off to all the lawyers, doctors, and bankers whose careers are so vital to our society but if you are like me the idea of a job that requires a suit and a neat bun sounds about as close to a nightmare as I can imagine for myself. I am insanely lucky to be able to be creative at work everyday and meet other women who do the same. So, with that said, meet Tory.

Greg Colleton, Redux's director of operations, chats about gallery etiquette, the upcoming Danielle Wyckoff exhibit, and Charleston's favorite pastime—day drinking.

Got plans this Saturday? Add Mixson's Art Stroll to the calendar and sip wine, munch on hors d'eouvres, and browse the latest from local artists like Lisa Abernathy, Jay Fletcher, and Olivia Rae James

Now that Fashion Week's behind us, it's time to call attention to the catwalkers who made the show. From the standout youngsters to the most dedicated, here they are: The CFW Model Superlatives

Here's my advice for surviving the cuts. Hint: know the difference between being your own career architect and being the sculptor of your chosen path

When posting a blog on Grit, I'm prompted to choose a category that best suits the post. My frequent label, "Mixed Messages," has helped me define myself as an artist