the Pour House

I have ideas, including Jason Isbell, the Carolina Chocolate Drops, and the viability of a tribute band named ZZ Topless. Plus, we'll discuss which are better—real or fake. See? I have ideas...

A trip to The Pour House to see one of my current favorites (The Royal Tinfoil) yielded the bonus of discovering another (The Whiskey Gentry)

Adding childcare rooms to bars, drug insanity, whether I’m the creepy old guy at the end of the bar, YES you can buy me a beer, and a dozen other sleep-deprived musings

Should you play at a big-name, cavernous venue like this if you can't draw the crowd, or are you better off at the Tin Roof with a couple dozen devoted fans? Here's what happened (and my answer)...

A unique blend of backgrounds and styles, could Shovels & Rope represent the new sound of the Lowcountry? I think so, but feel free to disagree

Brand new Gritter Tim Brennan started off with a bang with his entertaining—and thought-provoking—observations on our local music scene. Charleston, where IS the weird?

At 29 years and counting, Southern Culture on the Skids might not be one of the best-known Southern rock bands, but it's one of the most weirdly wonderful

What I'm looking for in live music is a bit of insanity, some weird, some risk, some show... Here's my take on what's lacking in our own local music scene

With the Last Summer on Earth tour here and as a proud and balding member of Gen X, I've got hard-core nostalgia for genre giants like Drivin N' Cryin, Cracker, BNL, and even the old gang at 96 Wave
