October 4, 2013

Instant Grit

The Blog of the Week is... How to Win a Gun Fight at the Airport Ticket Counter by Nate Anderson. His tale of wading through a sea of delayed travelers—jacked up on self-righteous rage—was a honey of a lesson. He ratchets up the kindness as the ticket rep ratchets up the rewards. Or you could forget all that feel-good, do-good stuff and just chuckle at passages like this...


"...There was a muffled mixture of profanity and mumbles as he hung up on whoever he was talking to and put his cell phone back on his belt. If I didn't like him before, the cell phone holster on the belt took the cake. WHY do people (mostly middle-aged and older men) consider it necessary to have a holster for their cell phone on their belt? Is it so they can "quick-draw" their phone Old West gunslinger-style to get on that call? Is it because there isn't enough room in their, count em' FOUR pockets, for your ONE cell phone? They're stupid and I hate them."


Speaking of airport bad boys, here are two of our favorites. It's an oldie, but a goodie, back from Jimmy Kimmel's Man Show days perhaps? A couple of drunk airline pilots for your Friday. Enjoy!