The Brick is a cool, casual, fun place downtown Charleston. So when they partnered with Communities in Schools Charleston, it was the perfect opportunity to give back and win some major prizes!
While The Brick and non-profit, Communities in Schools Charleston teaming up just sounds like another fundraiser in a sense, you're mistaken.
It's an opportunity to give support to students across the Lowcountry to help education, growing and learning while also a night out with friends. Not only is it a night out with friends but also chances to win $100 gift card and a suite at the RiverDogs game.
Simply come hang on the 1st Wednesday of each month, starting on February 7th at The Brick. While The Brick hosts the trivia night, they will be donating 10% of proceeds to the Alumni Association of Communities in Schools of the Charleston Area.
The comptetion will continue with the trivia nights until July 4th, where the winner of the $100 gift card and RiverDogs suite will be announced.
We all attend trivia nights with our friends but why not make a difference and maybe win a cool prize?! See you at The Brick!
The Brick is located at 24 Ann St, Charleston, SC 29403.