The Daily Beast just ranked Charleston the #4 Drunkest City in America (ahead of New Orleans AND Vegas, mind you). What do you think? Shall we sober up or belly up and have another?

Let's all take a minute and reminisce on some punk rock. After 17 years together, one local star of the genre—FLK—is still searching for some respect (and is playing this weekend in West Ashley!)

The holidays mean different things to different folks—gifting, eating, drinking, laughing. For me, more than anything, they're a time I'm beautifully obligated to be with the family that made me.. me

PMS, High T, Low T, HRT... TNT—commercials pound these acronyms into our brain. I know they're legit, but these maladies really just give both genders an excuse to let our hormones get the best of us

My eldest daughter once vowed that she would never do two things: Listen to Elvis' "Blue Christmas" ever again or wear a black one-piece swimsuit. Here's how I schemed to have her to do the first

Shouting at me like a carnival barker? No thanks. Loud, in-your-face, me2me sales pitches don't work with this gal—instead, you must engage me. Here's how (if you're in sales, you need to read...)

Hall & Oates proved it's still a solid entertainment duo decades after "Maneater," and outlaw country artist Eric Church rocked the Coliseum (amidst fans who couldn't quite hold their liquor...)

If your schedule bounces around like lotto balls (do this, do that, now this, then that), it's time to refocus on what's important: meaningful connections. Here's my 3-pronged approach to build more

Are you just going to stick with the same old routine, same rules, same boundaries? Just imagine what you could do if you kicked away your comfort zone (one small nudge at a time...)

My advice for taking in Friday night's show at the Music Farm, in a mere 20 Tips or Less. Really, buy me a Guinness and follow my advice. Only some of it though... Most of it doesn't even work for me

AAA batteries in a meringue pie. Sweet Junior finding a wife with whom to share the holidays. The image of a “rotund little shorty” chomping on a turkey leg. What about Renae’s post DIDN'T we love?

I hung with the SNL veterans during their recent gig at my Music Farm. Here are the cool backstage stories, including why I respect frontman Angelakos now more than ever

This weekend's Southern Ground Music and Food Festival promises tasty fare and even tastier music. Here's a rundown of what to expect from the show's stacked lineup

One fellow blogger called this her "favorite post so far on Grit." What do YOU think?

I love street people. They're friendly, candid, neighborly folk. Recently, I enjoyed top-notch football banter with (and got a top-notch haircut from) my Spring Street friends

Don't like metal music? Neither do I, but don't let that stop you from seeing the hit musical (and highly irreverent) Rock of Ages at the North Charleston Performing Arts Center tonight

I talked to Greg Tavares, cofounder of Theatre 99 and now author, about his book "Improv For Everyone"—perfect, he says, for "the improviser who loves improv and wants improv to love you back"

A "wild" thing happened when I fell in love with a book I bought by accident...

... And as good as ever. The trio stopped by the North Charleston PAC on Wednesday, sharing songs from their new album, beloved 90's hits, and some top-notch entertainment

Adding childcare rooms to bars, drug insanity, whether I’m the creepy old guy at the end of the bar, YES you can buy me a beer, and a dozen other sleep-deprived musings