HBO Seeking Veterans & Retired Citizens (Casting Call)

Hunter Boone

New Casting Call for HBO's Vice Principals - Seeking Veterans, New Teachers, New Students, & General Extras



Booking for a large scene late this month consisting of older citizens and veterans.


*Older Military Veterans Types ages 60-80.*


*Older Citizen Types ages 60-80.*


*Extras that can portray High School Teachers*


*Extras that can portray High School Students*


*Also seekings adults with an unusual looks and character faces.* 


Students of high school and college age will be needed throughout the season. Seeking those available for filming during the week/school hours, as well as the occasional Sunday.



Those interested in being considered for filming should submit the following:


-A current photo/snapshot -can be taken with a cell phone






-Phone number


-Parent's name if a minor


-Height and weight


-Clothing size


-City and state of residence


-Vehicle information –color/make/model/year


I highly encourage anyone and everyone to apply! You will get paid, fed, and will laugh your head off. Keep up with all the filming needs on our Facebook casting page.


Tona B Dahlquist Casting Facebook Page