
Brand new Gritter Tim Brennan started off with a bang with his entertaining—and thought-provoking—observations on our local music scene. Charleston, where IS the weird?

At 29 years and counting, Southern Culture on the Skids might not be one of the best-known Southern rock bands, but it's one of the most weirdly wonderful

What I'm looking for in live music is a bit of insanity, some weird, some risk, some show... Here's my take on what's lacking in our own local music scene

Saturday night was a great time to be a 90s alt-rock fan here in Charleston. A recap of Last Summer on Earth at Family Circle Stadium, including the Barenaked Ladies wearing their tennis whites

With the Last Summer on Earth tour here and as a proud and balding member of Gen X, I've got hard-core nostalgia for genre giants like Drivin N' Cryin, Cracker, BNL, and even the old gang at 96 Wave

Stodgy, musty and studiously serious? Not today's Library Society as the South Carolina native rocks the Piccolo Literary Festival finale

Devin's half-year wrap-up of music deaths got us feeling a little nostalgic—for the Beasties, the Bee Gees, and diva Donna Summer (may she finally find a little of that hot, hot pasta...)

Less than halfway through the year we've lost two-dozen musical greats... Rock and roll heaven is filling up fast in 2012

Photos and review of the 98 Rock's 6th annual Rockfest in Ladson—a better time than expected, even for a non-metalhead...

I had the pleasure of publishing a column on John Brannen recently. John is shooting the film right now for his movie Midnight Rain, which I also hope to cover, minus mosquitoes and alligators
