Brand new Gritter Tim Brennan started off with a bang with his entertaining—and thought-provoking—observations on our local music scene. Charleston, where IS the weird?
At 29 years and counting, Southern Culture on the Skids might not be one of the best-known Southern rock bands, but it's one of the most weirdly wonderful
What I'm looking for in live music is a bit of insanity, some weird, some risk, some show... Here's my take on what's lacking in our own local music scene
Saturday night was a great time to be a 90s alt-rock fan here in Charleston. A recap of Last Summer on Earth at Family Circle Stadium, including the Barenaked Ladies wearing their tennis whites
With the Last Summer on Earth tour here and as a proud and balding member of Gen X, I've got hard-core nostalgia for genre giants like Drivin N' Cryin, Cracker, BNL, and even the old gang at 96 Wave
Devin's half-year wrap-up of music deaths got us feeling a little nostalgic—for the Beasties, the Bee Gees, and diva Donna Summer (may she finally find a little of that hot, hot pasta...)
I had the pleasure of publishing a column on John Brannen recently. John is shooting the film right now for his movie Midnight Rain, which I also hope to cover, minus mosquitoes and alligators