
You might not find his candid, tongue-in-cheek breakdown of the evolution vs. creationism brouhaha in any textbook, but those are a snooze anyway. And the Grit team loves a hot topic...

No, really. I've noticed that well-articulated views on the creationism vs. evolution debate are scarce from the online commenting crowd, so I took a crack at it...

Grit bloggers Rebekah Jacob and Stephanie Hunt schooled us in just what it means to support something worthwhile, like Charleston's arts community

Haley's veto was stomped. Guess we showed her....or will we? Let’s not let our local arts community die by our neglect

Regardless of what any government leader does, as an arts community we can survive—and thrive—by resetting our sights on commerce, risk, innovation, AND community

Dear Nikki Haley, your proposal to cut all SC arts funding is f@#$ing brilliant. Might as well drain the Charleston harbor while you're at it

A look at how a new governmental system defines us, colors us, and helps us choose a new paradigm of inter-relatedness

More than ready for some wise solutions to the nation's long list of woes, I enlisted the help of my four-year-old nephews to help solve the problems. Turns out, not a bad strategy...
