
Let’s slow our roll a bit and sail into the weekend. The Grit team thinks Renae’s lyrical post—sprinkled with lovely images like “the peekaboo line of fire”—is sure to do the trick

Some things God is a stickler about and sunrise is one of them—a literary snapshot of our shore at first light

Devin's half-year wrap-up of music deaths got us feeling a little nostalgic—for the Beasties, the Bee Gees, and diva Donna Summer (may she finally find a little of that hot, hot pasta...)

Less than halfway through the year we've lost two-dozen musical greats... Rock and roll heaven is filling up fast in 2012

Thinking of your cell phone as a bona-fide trance inducer may help explain why you just can't put it down—and more importantly, why you should

Last week's "Supermoon" lit up a world of questions I'm not even sure I want answered. After all, perception is (thankfully!) hardly reality...

Did I walk into another era? Or perhaps the set of a romantic film? Nope. It was the Eco Bridal Book and Film Release Gala

Stop what you're doing immediately (driving, eating, saving someone's life...) and read this Craig's List ad, written by a guy trying to hock his yoga mat. It gets real—and hilarious—quick...

As The BB&T Food & Wine Festival is about to kick off its 7th festival, author Holly Herrick reflects on memories of festivals past, even as she looks forward to the next delicious event, 3/1-3/4
