Day 2: Grit's Fashion Loves & Loathes

Instant Grit

Charleston's Grit's 12 Days of Fashion: Loves & Loathes

(We want to hear from you! Click here to find out how it works and how to submit yours. Submission details also listed at bottom of this blog...)


DAY 2: 
Submitted by: Rachel
Age: 23
Occupation: interior design assistant 
Lives: Ansonborough neighborhood, downtown

LOVE: Lace Dresses
"Lace doesn't just have to be for your grandma anymore. Lace in bright colors and edgy silhouettes makes this classic feminine and flirty."
LOATHE: Mullet Skirts 
"Sorry girls, it's about time we decide, do we want a long skirt or a mini? No more combining the two in a weird choppy style named after the world's worst haircut."


Ready to sound off on your loves and loathes for Grit's 12 Days? Let's do it.
Here's how to submit:
1. Send an email to Grit editor Ellen McGauley at Put 12 Days in the subject line.
2. List one look you love and one you hate. Each should be accompanied by a) a quote about why b) a picture or two illustrating the look.
3. List the online source of any images submitted. We need to credit them correctly. 
4. Include first name, general occupationage, and the part of town in which you live. These will be listed with each submission used.
5. Do it before March 15!
We'll run as many as we can! The more colorful the commentary, the better. So go ahead, give us your Fashion Grit.