Cool Down This Weekend With Lowcountry Lemonade

Tara Guérard

Lowcountry Lemonade is a bar staple we have been serving at weddings, debutantes, cocktail parties and at home for years. It is so refreshing and easy to make! I love that it is not quite as strong as a liquor drink (Schnapps is a white brandy made from fermented fruits). Perfect to be greeted with at any time—day or early evening! Enjoy! 




You will need:

Tall zombie glass

Crushed ice

1 oz. peach Schnapps 

Lemonade (I like Country Time!)

Garnish of your choice (mint, berries, lemon wedge... sky is the limit here!)


To Mix:

Fill zombie glass full with the ice. Add Schnapps. Fill remainder of glass with lemonade. Garnish and sip! 


Photography by Andrew Cebulka