Are you a musician, maker, vendor, or visionary looking to build stronger ties with the Charleston community? Apply to be a part of the 2015 Charleston DIY Fest today!
One of the best ways to get aquatinted with Charleston’s top mixologist and chefs is with Charleston Culinary Tours, where you and a group walk the peninsula and hit up 3 stops along the way. 20% off with CHSGRIT2014!
Artist and activist Melinda Mead Scharstein celebrates her first solo exhibit, boiled peanuts, and Trans* Love Fund, whose ladies' arm-wrestling tournament is this Thursday, December 18, at Tin Roof.
Greg Colleton, Redux's director of operations, chats about gallery etiquette, the upcoming Danielle Wyckoff exhibit, and Charleston's favorite pastime—day drinking.
This year my band released our fourth CD. We did it all wrong. Way wrong. So, for anyone who hasn't liked my review of their music, feel free to take shots at mine.